Muhammad Ali just changed his name back to Cassius Clay.
Muhammad Ali just changed his name back to Cassius Clay.
I’m remembering the interviews that real Ali had, but somehow he meant All lives as he chewed out a white English lady for having more privilege than him in his own country?
A) I think he’s a broke puppet parroting whatever earns him coins & I do mean a pittance.
Where is his sister to knock him the fuck out.
If Ali Junior is right, Ali Senior would be wrong were he alive.
If Ali Junior is wrong, Ali Senior would be right were he alive.
It’s a long list
Wait The NY Post printed this shit? The same NY Post owned by Trump toady and Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch? The same NY Post that employs race baiting bitter cranky old fuck Phil Mushnick? That useless piece of shit rag that no New Yorker with more than two functioning brain cells reads? (To Be fair who reads…
I was going to offer up the question of Hotep or coon as a game but then I read the rest of the article.
Look up the word “ashy” and this man’s photo pops up.
He doesn't sound like all the trains are running on time. No need to give him attention,let him sit in the shadows with the weight of that name and his inability to carry it wearing him down.
“All lives matter! Well, except for when it was my bedridden father’s life. That’s no concern to me. Even though I’m trying to speak for him right now”
I would imagine that Ali JR is one of the last people that should be consulted
Or prisoners suffering in inhumane conditions, abused by guards, working for pennies, and exploited at every opportunity? The ones which are overwhelmingly black and brown, because the system is inherently primed to screw them over merely by virtue of their skin and being poor--when you say "all lives matter," those…
Oh, all lives matter, you say? So what are you doing for the homeless? The hungry? Refugees? Those suffering in war, both economic and traditional? The displaced? Sweatshop workers? Uninsur... Wait! I’m not done yet! Stop walking away!!
Tyrone Biggums needs to wipe his crusty lips and pass the pipe to Ashy Larry!
I know I got it made while the masses of black people are catchin’ hell, but as long as they ain’t free, I ain’t free.
So what you’re telling me is that the police who arrested him were psychic and they knew his entire criminal history and that is why they killed him?
Winona Ryder stole $5,500 in clothes once. Is there anybody arguing that she has a criminal lifestyle? Is there anybody arguing that she should die for that?
Yes indeed. Keep saying the quiet part loud Ron and those that think like Ron. You truly believe all of this racist bullshit that you create memes for and share. Don’t cry about getting the boot, instead double down and your fellow racists will step with a few dollars.