
That’s an open call for armed militias to come to his defense, if I ever saw one.

Also, par for the course for the PDs to use undercover agents to agitate and spy on folks.

Last night spooked him, he is looking for magats to come to his defense.

Nope, no it doesn’t. Amy wanted him dead, and it was premeditated. She clearly knew what she was doing. The context clearly indicated she wanted him to end up like George Floyd. The only wqay it’s a bit of a stretch is if you think she should “only” be charged with attempted manslaughter instead of murder.

They need to do the same damn thing in Minnesota America.

While you’re at it, check your state’s 911 laws. Many states, like VA and CA, calling 911 for a non-emergency is punishable by fine and/or jail. If you live in a state where abusing 911 is a punishable offense, make damn sure Karen and Chad are punished. 

Once more for the people in the back: We don’t owe ANYone answers or explanations for ANYthing! Stop trying to justify yourself. That only makes them think they have a RIGHT and SHOULD act as overseers of any Blacks! And we have seen, REPEATEDLY, that nothing is going to deter them from going to the manager or calling

Hey, Amy Cooper appears to be an awful, aggressively average, racist, animal abusing, piece of shit, but I don’t know if she needs to be walked on a *leash*...

In order for this to actually work it would require society and the police to admit that they have a predisposed notion that black Americans, specifically black men, are violent and an inherent danger to any white person no matter the circumstance. If you aren’t a bigoted racist jackass who knows good and damn well

$20 says she does a “non-apology apology video while alluding to her being ‘oppressed’”. But man, does it feel good for her life to be ruined as swiftly as she tried to ruin Mr. Cooper’s. Please, karma, keep it coming.

The hate crime legislation needs to get passed, but she can already be charged with several charges including creating a false public alarm, attempted murder, and of course the unleashed dog.

I feel bad for the dog. But not as badly as I do for black men against whom the police are weaponized. 

That... would actually be a pretty funny trick.

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

That poor dog has to have some serious PTSD. Like it probably rolls over every time it hears the n word.

She will get past this. In a week or two, her gofundme will be at $200,000 KKK money despite her previous Barack Obama affiliations. Because she totally, secretly voted Trump.

She deserved that and more, all which have happened and left me more than satisfied.

Sorry, Amy. Someone’s got to take the hit for the team. Coz now what we have is an opportunity to raise an admonishing finger and say, “Ah, ah, ah! Remember Amy from the Ramble*? You may want to rethink this, Karen.” when faced with such a moment in our lives.

Another case of mutually-assured Karenism.

We passed up a lot of better choices for this bank backed old man.

We would never have had this with Warren.