Someone’s roots are growing out.
Someone’s roots are growing out.
Florida has been lying since the get
I live at the tip in Brownsville. There are people out here without masks, going to South Padre Island, and generally ignoring the fact that Covid is still here. I crossed over to Matamoros, Mexico the other day. It’s a ghost town. Grocery stores, hospitals, and pharmacies only. You cannot even buy alcohol (the main…
You say all this like it makes a single bit of difference. He simply has to blame it on China, and his lemming followers will follow that belief straight into their fucking graves.
They still won’t believe it. They’ll buy into the story that says it would have been worse if not for all of Trump’s amazing leadership. Like when he said none of it was his fault.
Pretty Dumb!
If anything, that’s a reason to storm the capital buildings, not because you can’t get a goddamn haircut
It’s sad that thousands of people are going to have to die to show that science and straight up reality and common sense need to dictate policy, not political agendas, denial, and conspiracy theories. If anything, that’s a reason to storm the capital buildings, not because you can’t get a goddamn haircut. I hope come…
As the numbers grow worse in GOP led states expect to see a misrepresentation or outright lying about how many deaths resulted from COVID-19. I would hope that public outrage would lead to the states taking responsibility but fuck it. Let the streets be littered with bodies. Let the nation and the world see what…
I wish I knew how to embed gifs. If I did, I’d post a Gomer Pyle “Surprise, surprise, surprise!” gif.
Republicans have no shame; these are the same people who cried “crooked Hillary” although after 2 years of investigations by DOJ they quietly dropped the “investigation” with no charges. These are the same people who play dumb when you confront them with the fact that Trump has settled two fraud cases out of court in…
Hell, if they didn’t announce, he’s going to be getting an Ammunation store’s worth of guns back.
And get his gun back.
Ding ding.
No-knock raids should be illegal.
You may be onto something.
I wonder if Tucker and Bryan are friends. But then why wouldn’t Tucker take Bryan’s case? Anyway, perhaps they are friends. Perhaps they chatted and thought the video might help people understand just how **innocent** Goober and DugDug are.
I think they were hoping the video would exonerate…
I hadn’t heard of Tucker before, but he’s apparently not counsel for the McMichaels. So there is still a question whether he was counsel for Bryan at some point. It certainly raises a question as to how he could even have laid hands on that video if he had no connection to Bryan. Where he released it to suggests he…
I think you’re getting two people confused here.