
This is white people feeling out doing full on lynchings again.

So they got together an armed lynch mob and terrorized this woman because they thought some guy *might* live there and when they found out he didn’t and the actual police arrived, nobody was arrested even though they brought weapons to the scene and tried to force their way into her home.

Missing girl, missing dog, missed Amazon delivery, you playing with fire if you are invading someone's home.

It does seem like a lynch mob.

Sorry, all I saw was your buttcheeks flappin’. You were trying to say something?

Exactly. White supremacists have been and continue to be emboldened by Trump. Decades of repressed hate is oozing out like pus.

This is Tyranny, where are the RWNJ defending the homeowners, wait, the homeowners were black, nothing to see here.

More of Trump’s stochastic terrorism.

Bitch, I have the time today.

I do have a problem with the language. It seems that they’re calling out whites as a collective and claiming that whites are responsible for this ... racial classification scheme and things like that.”

It’s a simple deflection. They know their guilt, so they accuse us with the very thing they are guilty of. They are not interested in our point of view, they are only interested in maintaining their own power. Keeping us down provides them with cheap exploitable labor, and excuses for every one of their failures.

I always ask, “division, you mean like slavery, like Jim Crow, like redlining, like segregation?” I’ve yet to get an answer. Conservatives can’t keep their story straight lol. You can’t be “fuck everybody who isn’t a rich White man” and then complain about divisive politics. 

Them: Here are lots of facts about the special challenges that Black people in our city face.

To the folks on the right, we believe that white privilege is something that’s just something created by the left to try to create division.

Notice, they never say “I” need to get back to work, or even “we” need to get back to work.”

If Christie is so concerned with poor and working class people who are suffering under the shutdown (as we all should be), he should support redistributing wealth to help support them. Unfortunately, he would prefer to see (poor, non-white) people die rather than strengthen the social safety new.

True, though he could learn the art of nuance; his statement was the equivalent of that meme “if they die, they die”.

What it boils down to is that we fucked up. As in we royally fucked up. And its not just because we have a total idiot for president and not only because a bunch of white supremacists are storming the capitals. Its ALSO because of what everyday Americans are doing. When other countries locked things down they REALLY

I don’t think he’s totally wrong. At some point the country needs to open up, and it’s hard to imagine that we’ll be able to wait until things are perfectly safe to do so. But that’s not a good argument for opening up right now when the virus is completely out of control; right now the calculus supports waiting until

The political commentator who can sit at home and do his commentating seems awful chill about other people going out and risking Infection.