The 2nd ammendment isn’t to “hold the government accountable”, it’s there to protect ourselves in the event of our government crossing over to tyranny - or in its subtext - against slave revolt.
The 2nd ammendment isn’t to “hold the government accountable”, it’s there to protect ourselves in the event of our government crossing over to tyranny - or in its subtext - against slave revolt.
Well actually...
Your point is valid, but not applicable.
Yeah, and that amendment was written during the civil war era. It’s called context. Armed opposition to a democratically elected government, whether from the right or left, is highly problematic. Of course, we don’t typically see the left with military style gear, protesting the government.
You fucking moron the text of the second amendment is:
I’ve heard this before, but its a joke. Do people REALLY think their stockpile of guns can ACTUALLY affect the gov’t? If the gov’t is coming for you, no matter how many guns or how big the guns are you have, you will be out-gunned. Not only do they have more guns, not only do they have access to better guns, not only…
Nah, if this is true, where else is it codified in law that we are allowed to take up arms against our president, governors, mayors, police forces or military? Where is tyranny defined and where is the line when we’re citizens are legally allowed to start shooting them. Last I checked it’s actually a capital crime to…
No amount of heavily armed Booger Brigade members as seen here can overcome the might of the United States military. Thinking the 2A is what is keeping the government in check is laughable at best. That’s some real basic NRA propaganda and has no bearing on reality.
That is some convoluted logic.
This was a blatant threat of violence. Far from a peaceful protest.
Those men need to be arrested. Lock them up! Lock them up!
Also I love how they claim it isn’t real but they still wearing masks.
The purpose of the second amendment was to allow local officials to quickly respond to slave revolts and to fight Native Americans. Look up the Whiskey Rebellion to see what the founding fathers thought about your right to oppose their rule.
As I understand it, a lot of the intent of the second amendment revolves around maintaining a militia rather than a professional army, but the militia of the time was largely concerned with arming against (and preventing any potential uprising from) African Americans. I’m not sure that its intent ever had anything to…
See them. Talk to them. Make a deal. Sounds totally rational. I like making deals while being held at gunpoint.
Whenever I got a flyer against abortion using black genocide as an excuse because it was around the time of the shit popping off in Baltimore over Freddie Gray: pro-life for the potential for our babies (because white babies), but have a young kid go outside looking weird and it’s a-OK to shoot them, slut-shame our…
If only the cousin fuckers would realize that a toxic society hurts them too. As a child, when we traveled through KY & TN, I remember the signs (white only, etc.), the hateful stares and horrible comments, the places we knew we’d better not go. It didn’t help that we always had a nice car. I’m getting sad thinking…
I have a $1,000,000 liability policy covered by my union. They can afford to provide it to every California teacher who is a member of CTA because they almost never have to pay out...really, years go by when they never pay a settlement. However, there’s a catch. It only covers accidents and errors in judgement, not…
“Maryland’s Court of Appeals rejected the argument that because the rogue police officers of the Gun Trace Task Force acted on their own, the city shouldn’t be held responsible for their actions.”
He’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.