
This Andy Benoit Take About Russell Wilson Is So Fucking Stupid I Want To Die

You mention the algorithm driven Facebook, which is flawed as hell, but don’t mention the algorithm driven climate models that are equally as flawed? THAT’S MAINTAINING THE NARRATIVE!

The algo said it’s so, QUIT FUCKING UP THE NARRATIVE!

Me neither. Im paying for Google play music, and just happen to also be able to download vids from YouTube without ads and listen in the background for free. It’s actually a pretty good deal.

You’ve heard it before but this story is the epitome of...

KBeat is fucking woke.

Hmm. I guess his stealing some sunglasses WAS a big deal.

I assume you don’t use Netflix. You are aware that they PAY to have a network device in the isp office that is loaded with the content they sling? That’s paid prioritization, so i’m sure you cancelled long ago, right?

I believe it’s you that are uninformed. Wireless services ARE ISP’s.

You also have the freedom to choose which city you have or don’t have internet access choice in. I still don’t understand your point, even though it wasn’t yours in the first place, it was Keep It Simple, Stupid’s.

If I go to another site, i’ve lost access to the original site. What’s your point?

Your phone doesn’t get internet? My aunt lives in the most rural place in tennessee, and lo and behold, she gets better cell service than I do in Detroit. Her internet runs super fast. There’s no traditional internet, but that’s because their locality chose not to build out. She could move. But she values her

You are free to celebrate Christmas any time you want!

Facebook is becoming like a utility. There are more than a few sites I cannot access because they use Facebook authorization to log in.

Sounds like you just made a decision that your home is more important than your access to internet. Same as my decision to live in Detroit, where my choices of Broadway musicals is not as varied and plentiful as New York.

So algorithms are flawed for this use, since they are imperfect, but are flawless for climate models? Pick a fucking narrative, people. Either fully accept your data driven overlords or get right and RESIST!

Truth make feels. Feels make eyes wet.

I bet he has a talk with all the vehicles with truck nuts. We can all agree that truck nuts have to go, right?

Features seem to be different from model to model, My Q Grant didn’t have a stopwatch while my wife’s Accomplice did, then they updated the app, and voila, stopwatch on the Grant. On the other hand, the Grant has an alarm (no snooze), while the Accomplice still does not have one.

That horse can take a punch! Call the Calvins Twins!