
“Climate Change”

Altria is intentionally killing off Juul in order to promote it’s tobacco using IQOS. Those tobacco fields won’t sell themselves every year.

Didnt imply that hcq was safe, only that chloroquine is definitely not safe.  Where are you seeing me imply safety of hcq?


Please remember, small business owners are taking note, maybe even making a list, of folks that just don’t want to go back to work. So chirp it up, but don’t forget to go back and delete all those posts when society opens back up.

I love the smell of lying douchebag in the comments.  And soooooo strong.

Then why are you here dueling with comments when you should be focused on how to have a funeral?  Where the hell are your priorities?

Well, at least you saw it and picked them up and threw them away, right?

The spiraling shape will make you go insane.

So I can assume these workers will demand that GE manufactures a ventilator technician for each ventilator made, right? Or at least every 10, which is the max a tech can operate at once.

Low health literacy.  Nice way to punch up "Stupids"

But, but... Net neutrality!  Why is traffic being prioritized?  

This is prolly not the time to talk about mass transit.  Mass transit = mass transmit.

Anytime a declaration starts with "Look", everything that follows is an attempt at propaganda.  

If seas are rising, and all our costal cities are in danger, why are cities like Miami, New York, New Orleans, LA, SF all still selling municipal bonds, and why do they have any value?

Lets add to that shame.  If the belief is that low skilled jobs are on the decline, and automation is on the rise, how does it make sense to import 8 million low skilled workers?

Lol, if you were really woke, you’d realize that ALL TV news is propaganda. Print is not far behind, with native ads and op eds.

Netflix and YouTube at DVD quality does not a grim future make.

Terribly sad.  If only their leaders were less interested in their burgeoning propaganda t-shirt business....

That’s right! Start canceling your Prime memberships!