
Has anyone got real close to the plume, like real close and said “QUIT FUCKING UP THE NARRATIVE!”

I was down until you mentioned tweets. The twitterverse is not representative of reality. It’s just not. So when things are mentioned as “out of control” or “a majority of people say” and it’s via twitter or facebook, I quickly realize it’s bullshit.

All shilling aside, my significant other and I have Fossil Q’s and they are great. They are just nice watches.

I love that Elon is going to have to pay into Al Gore’s Cap and Trade hustle. The best!

EVs should not be popular because they have a tax credit. They should be popular because they’re good for the environment STOP FUCKING UP THE NARRATIVE!

LARPers are the coolest, am I right?

Dave Letterman is from Indiana, and he’s totally adequate. No need to broad brush an entire state.

Of course the dipshits here don’t know or care about that. They only care that the pretty lady in PR is bashing Trump, so lets get behind her!

The way you shit on that guy with a generalization of how you think people think, then shit on his mundane reply with hyperbole, really shows how smart a dipshit can be.

People in a pool can drink draft beer through a straw. Man in full body cast who is very depressed can use a straw. I’m sure we could come up with more scenarios.

WTF are aliens going to tell you about this guy?

Ill go on record to say that this guy is a moron. I will also say that I bet someone said something to him along the lines of “get your ass off my flag”, or at least someone should have.

Look closely, without any bias, and tell me you cant see these people are larping, “white nationalists” and “antifa” alike.

Yes, and they are a statistically insignificant population. Without the media whipping you into a frenzy you wouldn’t even hear about it. You are their best messenger. Congratulations.

Ok, and how is this productive? Maybe you shouldn’t follow people that sub tweet hate.

I’m convinced that 90 percent of traffic to Nazi and white nationalist material is done by the media searching for it.

How rich, a comment on Kinja is questioning how snark works.

Elon doesn’t care what the government says about Tesla, as long as that sweet, sweet grant money and tax credits keep on coming.

Still waiting to see one ad that was used. Also, since apparently it only costs 100k to swing an election, I may look into adjusting the 2020 contest. It’s not like any proof will come to the surface except butthurt Hillbots.