
This is good sports reporting. Right?

Geez, how do you not realize. It’s Putin, duh.

Yes, because I never heard “That’s what she said” until FINALLY the 2nd version of the Office cast aside the shackles of oppression and LET IT FLY!!! Take that, men who might not be aware that ladies of a hetero persuasion enjoy penis!!!

You lost, mate. Suck it up.

Hahahahah, you made fun of his fatness. I see what you did there, you crafty wordsmith! I can’t give you enough stars! Fuck fat people, right! So glad you are on that path of hating the most disgusting of this race. The fucking fatsos. You nailed it.

Lol, that’s why the blog is one third sponsored ads, one third shared posts from decidedly non-sports blogs, and one third political commentary. I suppose in some reality that’s “Sports News Without Access”.

Sick burn

Pretty hot take from a real glass house, eh deadspin?

Al, where did you go? I know you didn’t go do anything professional, so what gives?

First, what is a bellingcat

Shit, is Russia teamed up with ISIS? Oh, they are actively battling them?

Is the Silverdome still available? 5% might be too high though, unless they throw in all the VW’s.

No you’re not.

It’s because you can’t. It’s ok to admit you are just a troll, not a media person.

Be professional

I am offended.

Well, I’m offended. Therefore, it’s offensive.

Well i’m offended. Therefore, it’s offensive.

Well, I’m offended. Therefore, it’s offensive.

Please stop referring to certain groups of people as “the whites”. It’s offensive.