Elon has one talent.
The guy is right. Tesla is absolutely not a start up anymore. Which is exactly why Tesla needs to move out of the Bay area. SanFran is not economically diverse enough to support any real manufacturing base. This gentleman’s story confirms that.
Nancy Pelosi
Lol, they don’t want to hear about that “Fuck the EU” girls conquests!
Victoria Nuland, that’s why.
There’s tons of drug activity at the White Castle at 8 and Gratiot. I’d bet that’s the reason.
This is it. Stop telling people they are stupid. That’s why you lost. So fucking condescending.
If the tweets stopped you’d have to import like 20 more stories a day from Jezebel! As if!
Please continue to live in the fallacy that all Repubs are rich and all Dems are poor. I love when people are too stupid to see why real people are glad for Trump. Drain the swamp means get rid of politicians whose life is centered around government and what it can do to enrich them. Here’s all you need to know...
So let me get this straight.
It’s tots porsh. tots.
Ha! The purge already happened!
Planned Parenthood.
Good, now we don’t have to have that awkward conversation with you.
So pat34us is down with rape culture. Put it in the book!
If only you cared about conflicts of interest regarding both sides. But pay for play is A OK if it’s the nearly 1st woman president. Lol
Oh good. I’m glad you realize we live in a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC and not a democracy. I just wish more people would understand that. This isn’t a majority rules system. Never has been, never will be. Enjoy!
Stop body shaming
Money isn’t distributed. It’s collected.