
Detroiters are trolled much worse than a Gawker writer calling some other city our nickname.

Thank God for Lyft

Reactionary Demographic

Go google GASB 68

Thanks Obama

“Lots” of Federal employees might just be part of the issue

I see you have contracted what quite a few people have caught since Tuesday. You got the old Hyperbolic Colic. It’s main symptom is extreeeeme over exaggeration. Take two bitter pills and.... who am I kidding, there’s no cure.

It seems that you have caught the Hyperbolic Colic. It’s really been going around! I suggest you take two bitter pills and call Ben Carson in the morning.

All blue = No clue

Heres the long and short of it.

You won’t see Goff, he’s too busy Seven and Nining it up all week.

So what were these vehicles called by the dealer’s at the time? Did the salespeople and brochures call them CJ? (5 or 7)

I know ADR as Additional Dialogue Recording, for that actor who just cant get it right the first 100 times.