

Can you imagine lucking into a situation where you get to ride LeBron James to a championship, then being out of work for a year because everyone knows you’re not that great of a coach and you rode LeBron James to a championship, and then, because the front office of a team trying to ride LeBron James to a

Oh, I got Bench Guy all the way. Everyone knows Hold ‘Em Back Guy is all show. Bench Guy is NOT messing around.

I’m a Reds, Bengals and Blue Jackets fan. I was a toddler when the Reds won their last world series. I’m born to be disappointed with my sports teams.


This is pretty fun to watch and I really hope they break through.

I love how this is basically completely opposite from the narrative you tried to shove into everyone’s reading spheres for the last month.

Excellent. I don’t care if this is a wise move (it’s not), but this scorched earth, “fuck you for tampering through LeBron, we’re going to destabilize your team” pettiness is exactly what the Lakers deserve.

Turtle necks on guys just look stoooooopid. 

Turtle necks on guys just look stoooooopid. 

Anytime turtlenecks are a topic, the late Mitch Hedberg should be mentioned:

Anytime turtlenecks are a topic, the late Mitch Hedberg should be mentioned:

I don’t have 40 minutes to watch this video, but I can say I’m one of the only people in the world who isn’t a massive fan of this game. It’s AMAZINGLY detailed and can certainly have it’s moments, but it’s not very fun to play. It’s too slow, which I understand is on purpose so you can look at everything, but

In my opinion, Melo is the most overrated player in the history of the league. I had high hopes that he could be “Olympic Melo” and bring something for that team, but he didn’t. Melo is butt now.

Me currently..

Hockey grandpas are the best.

Eating popcorn while watching professional athlete grandson play is some life of kings shit.

Kyle Busch has one of the most hateable faces in sports history.

Kyle Busch is the guy who is generally just a huge asshole, right?

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant”