Seriously, this is ESPN being ESPN. Their reporting is awful, and they never own up to their mistakes. I mean, we’ve all heard of Duke Lacrosse and Bernie Fine, right?
Seriously, this is ESPN being ESPN. Their reporting is awful, and they never own up to their mistakes. I mean, we’ve all heard of Duke Lacrosse and Bernie Fine, right?
Your commentary implies Ayton was actually paid. There is zero to support this, ace even Schlabach back tracked on this on Twitter.
It’s a little late to be questioning this. Guy’s reputation is destroyed.
It’s also a bit odd that Schlabach has gone completely radio silent since the erroneous reporting came to light. Been a brutal month for the WWL.
I think it must be “hey everyone, I know something!”
I really want to know: what’s your point?
Because if a team like the Hawks this year gets the 32nd pick, guess what? Utter despair sets in, fans check out without hope, and the whole league ends up suffering. If a team isn’t even in the conversation for the future, then they’ll never ever get free agents, and absent a ping pong miracle many years in a row,…
Having to wait 5-8 years to get away from the shitshow franchise that drafted you builds character.
Then you would only need six to eight teams in the league.
Because that’s how you end up becoming English soccer, where only the top 6 teams can afford good players and the top of the table looks exactly the same year to year.
Because how can bad, lesser marketable teams get better? Through the draft. Imagine the warriors win the championship and get the fifth pick? That’s retarded
This is a good idea. I agree that two times per year the lottery ball that comes out should be blank and that means that the player drafted at that spot should be fired into outer space. It’s tough but fair and as a law and order candidate, I support this.
I’m not against the idea, but obvioulsy, the reason they dont do this is so that powerhouse teams cant get the top picks, to try an keep some parity.
Cops approach man they suspect of loitering while black; nobody shot. Nice switch up.
It is, it’s just at a funny angle. You can see the blue lines on the snow, which mark distance and make the slope move visible.
It was terrible. You could almost watch the riders getting pushed back mid jump. Just about everyone landed flat at one point or another.
First of all, the whole point of this article’s “gotcha!” own is that it’s using Pence’s own dumb “logic” against him.
very popular video on r/soccer
You took a really interesting topic, that of “Messi’s transformation from 90 min. jack rabbit to only when he needs it” and kind of made it dumb.