
[Chris Traeger] This is lit-erally the most fascinating grammar discussion I've read on the Internet today![/Chris Traeger]

Fair enough, but their track record to this point suggests that most of them don't seem capable of doing the things they want to do— or at least to the degree they'd like to do them— that are pretty clearly fairly nefarious (ACA repeal, vote suppression, rolling back civil rights and climate protections and on and on).

But huffing gasoline is just good, wholesome fun!

On the one hand, I think, "why did it take them this long to figure out that actually planting actual fake news might make their constant chorus of 'fake news!' seem a bit more plausible?"

I forget where they landed on making out with respect to Liv and Major last season (before cure version 1.0 was revealed to be temporary). I'm guessing swapping spit doesn't result in transmission, otherwise I'm pretty sure Liv turned the second guy (with the glasses and beard) into one. That struck me as pretty

I don't know about the setup to kill Major, but why did everyone simply shrug right past the fact that there was a cure? I mean we know why— because it basically no longer exists, and it won't really do so many zombies any good to hope for it. But are they all just assuming Major was human from the off, and was

Which is ironic, given what bonobos tend to get up to at all hours of the day and night, for pretty much any reason.

Yes. If there's any human being on the planet who is likely to have a heartplug, it's Steve Bannon. And possibly Boris Johnson.

True, but then you remember what his boss looks like.

Eh, he'd still be remembered as the guy who made James O'Keefe famous (or infamous), publishing his heavily-edited ACORN "sting" videos, and the heavily-edited video that got Shirley Sherrod fired. IOW, a lying sack of human garbage, but then there are so very few conservative "heroes" who are not lying sacks of

Um . . . I'm pretty sure his favorite Duke boy was/is David.

You can skip season 1 without fear, unless you're a completist. I've never seen season 1, except for part of the pilot just to sort of see if what everyone had said about season 1 was true with regard to the show's tone, etc., if not necessarily its quality (they were not wrong). I never felt compelled to press on

Especially on an older truck like they were driving, with a heavy engine/front end, those rims would bend pretty quick. It becomes virtually impossible to steer, the rims start throwing off sparks, you're unable to move except at a fairly low speed . . . it's why spike strips are used in the first place— it makes a

I actually expected the episode would end with those two getting killed by FG operatives, who would be able to locate them and would presumably be listening in. While perhaps not as dramatic a cliff-hanger, it would sort of force the inevitable moral conundrum— is it okay to pre-emptively kill humans who intend to

Additionally, maybe they want to reverse engineer it? They are undoubtedly in possession of the research data that was generated by Max Rager's scientists' attempts to develop a cure, and they would have far more resources at their disposal than Ravi would have on his own. They're in a position to understand

I think Grassley's exact words were "suck it up," with an implicit, "sure he's criminally stupid and stupidly criminal, but we've got tax cuts to pass and poor people to grind under our heels, so whatareyougonna do?"

There are definitely shades of chipped and/or re-ensouled Spike (from Buffy) at play here.

Based on past precedent, he's far more likely to lose a primary than a general contest. The Democrats who have run for Senate in the most recent elections in this state seem to be mortally terrified of being identified as Democrats.

Probably every single time, but the proverbial "still, small voice" invariably gets drowned out by the megaphone wielded by the big money donor with the big fat sacks of cash.

Yes, "entertaining."