
Rand Paul is a spineless weasel. I seem to recall he made some noises about making a brave stand against some of Derp Fuhrer's cabinet choices, but wound up voting for them all anyway.

Also, per CPP, with regard to Ryan's having had the taxpayers fund pretty much his entire adult life—

And as a further cautionary tale, after Bill left office the Clintons started a foundation which was meant to do (and did, and still does) all kinds of good worldwide, and they still used it as a stick with which to bash Hillary. Obama could cure cancer, and the right would simply insist it was further proof that he

This is a wind up, right? No one can be this willfully obtuse. Next you'll be telling me that people who think Hamlet is a tragedy are imposing their misguided preconceptions onto the text, because suicide, murder, insanity, etc. are all just neutral things, and to quote Hamlet himself— "nothing is either good or

Jesus Jumped up Christ, they're not cities, they're kingdoms. You haven't actually read much of the Bible, have you?

African swallows are non-migratory.

Fair enough.

-pretty much every financial institution in the world post-2008, even the ones that collapsed

A fair point, but this isn't like the W years. It was easier to shovel bullshit then, because while it was unmistakably bullshit, it was consistent from one day to the next. With Il Douche in charge, it's a constant stream of unpredictable bullshit from one day (maybe even one hour) to the next. All but the true

Try Breaking the Spell by Daniel Dennett. He's a lot less aggressive in his atheism, and takes a much more measured approach to the subject than the likes of Dawkins, Hitchens, etc. I think his discussion of the concept of "belief in belief" would be especially germane for you, based on your comment.

Just going to ignore the bit about Moab and Ammon, then?

The real burr in the saddle is the crucifixion. That one strikes me as being the strongest proof for the existence of someone named Jesus from around that time, because if you're going to completely fabricate a story about how awesome this Jesus fellow is, and what it means to everyone everywhere, you would probably

And he was boss!

One would like to think that not having sex with your daughters (on consecutive nights!) would be the sort of thing one wouldn't need to be told not to do. Nor would one think that "They got me super-drunk first" would be a valid defense.

Mere Christianity, I'm assuming. With a candidate for the logical fallacy being Lewis' "Liar, Lunatic, Lord" false trilemma.

And her husband then went on to have sex with both of his daughters (it was totally their fault, though, because they were total sluts and got him drunk and stuff first), whom Lot had earlier tried to toss to the sexually inflamed mob in Sodom to try to put them off wanting to gang-rape the three angels who were there

This seems blindingly obvious to me. When Pope Benedict XVI called other non-Holy Roman Catholic denominations "defective" a few years back, my first thought was "well, at least he's honest." You can't spend the better part of 2,000 years (or the 500 or so since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of

Xenu vs. Moroni in a no-holds-barred fight to the death!

I had to read The Discarded Image for one of my history classes, and I found it to be fairly illuminating with respect to medieval (European) cosmology. It has a fairly narrow appeal, obviously— but his scholarly works are actually pretty good.

Remember when there was a dime's worth of difference between ultramontaine Catholicism and fundy evangelical Protestantism? Good times. I mean, deep down they probably still despise each other, but they definitely hate sex more, especially if the women are having it without their permission.