
It's a dick joke, if you know what I mean & I think you do.

Hey, it's me!

You could think of him as Isao Kumira, if that helps. With the hound occupying Toshiro Mifune's role.

To be fair, it was a marathon game of hide and seek.

(See Community, season 3, episode 6, "Advanced Gay" for more chuckles. Or all of Community, really, except maybe season 4).

Seriously, the Rs complaining about Democrats being unwilling to help them repeal the ACA: "Why aren't you willing to help us burn down your house while you're still in it? You guys are so rude!"

Am I losing my mind, or did he not at some point on Thursday say something to the effect of "we need to get rid of nuclear weapons"?

With a dash of Evil Jon Pertwee.

I can only begin to fathom the exasperation of whoever leaked those phone transcripts to WaPo. Even if the true believers are right, that the Russia thing is just a distraction, or this story or that story is actually fake news, do they not hear the words that come out of his mouth? The liberal media didn't force

"Some sort of advanced computer algorithm perhaps…"

Except Jon, apparently. Oh yeah, not pure-blooded Stark . . .

Like Major Major Major Major, I assume his promotion was pretty much inevitable.

Actually, I kind of meant it the way Chris Traeger would have—unironically, and in an enthusiastically positive way.

With GG—speaking for myself— it's less about season this or that, but with runs of episodes that sometimes run across seasons, and tend to reflect the presence (or emphasis on) certain characters or character arcs I like more or less, depending on the character and/or arc (E.g., not a fan of Jess in his first

I think that regardless of the setting, I'd be perfectly happy watching Paris do just about anything, so long as it was from a safely distant vantage point.

And lest we forget— frequently, a fairly shitty father.

Just one more example of why it's a fool's errand to try and make any sense of this show with respect to money/finances . . . and how two people could eat so much junk and fast food and still be even remotely healthy (let alone look the way Rory and Lorelai do).

(upvoted for Gilmore Guys plug— required listening for any fan of the show— but not for the Chris love. Sutcliffe was great, but I'm just not a fan of Chris)

And if I'm remembering correctly, Digger kept trying to get Lorelai to agree to tell Richard and Emily they were dating, but Lorelai kept insisting on keeping it a secret. So basically, everything is Lorelai's fault. Not that Digger was perfect or anything, but he gets a bit of a bad rap.

Yeah— I mean the dog is the only real problem I had with Digger (early doors, anyway), the only thing truly creepy (dammit, Digger, just get a statue of a dog if you're just going to train it to sit there like that). I get Lorelai being a bit worried that his idiosyncrasies are an attempt to brush her off, but