
That's a fair point. They'd just keep on dutifully buying gold, with the firm belief they'll be sitting pretty when the apocalypse comes.

I wouldn't make it past the first day. Not for ethical reasons, but because I have at least some vague notion of (e.g.) how gravity works. I could try to fake being as totally ass-ignorant of science, history, etc. as the Sexual Harassment poster boy seems to be, but I'd inadvertently make an offhand reference to a

I get what Alice is trying to say here about Polly— she's eighteen (maybe?), she doesn't know what she wants, doesn't know what she's talking about, living in the middle of doubt, etc.

Yes, thank you. So glad I'm not alone.

Here's a picture that features Angela Merkel in the background looking at a foregrounded Trump with a look on her face that exactly sums it all up for me: shock, horror, disgust, etc.:

Careful with that axe, Eugene.

And honestly, how much credibility could someone have if they're willing to say that this one episode of a series is better than whatever they consider to be their favorite TV show of all-time?

And so it goes.

Not sure. The google machine tells me Jane Wyman only temporarily had Secret Service protection, in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Reagan, and no one else has ever had living ex-wives. They'd likely have to ask for it, and probably show some sort of cause, but it's possible. Apparently Marla

I can't imagine that Senate Republicans would be okay with these investigations unless

IOKIYAR. Chuck Norris/Mel Gibson 2024!

Yeah, the donations— if he's running a campaign, it can't be a bribe or pay-to-play or some other kind of quid pro quo corruption.

Also his older male spawn traveling all over the world as part of the family business. Even Tiffany probably has some taxpayer-provided security.

So between that and helping to destroy his kid's home (and then needling him about it), I'm kinda thinking that while Drughead or Thughead might be cute and all, Dickhead would probably be accurate. I'd accept Fuckhead as well, but since this is the CW . . .

He'd be branded a cuck and wind up being forced out after the South Carolina primary

And yet Ford himself is a cautionary tale for these opportunistic jackals. If Trump is ousted, the Breitbart wing of the GOP might decide to back a more Trumpesque candidate in the 2020 primary (like Reagan in 76, only several orders of magnitude worse). If Pence gets tagged as a "cuck" over the course of that

I think he signed the "Let the Coal Companies Pollute Appalachian Streams and Rivers with Impunity" bill, didn't he?

Nero offed himself, more or less. You're thinking of Caligula. But they were both very similar to the Orange shitgibbon, in so many ways.

He filed with the FEC on January 20th.

"Watch out for snakes!"