

"Oh, oh! I know this one now! It's submarines, bombers and ICBMs, right?"—

Not to be harsh—and not disputing your point—but . . . have you actually seen the things that Hollywood makes? Ms. Barer is probably precisely what they consider to be chubby and not exactly pretty by their typical standards, especially for a show with teens. (cf. the "unpopular," "unattractive" "nerds" in every

It's kind of 16 now, if you include the two associate teams (Johns-Hopkins for the lacrosse, and Notre Dame kinda/sorta, like their previous and current associations respectively with the Big East and ACC for basketball purposes), and as such is reflected in their new logo (Which is sort of B1G). It now also includes

As a member of the French Republican Guard under Napoleon.

I think she sees it, too, though. She's just extremely confrontation-averse, and so can't bring herself to do something to hurt Teddy (or pretty much anyone else, for that matter).

Have a couple of upvotes for your trouble.

And his various mentors, as well, shit-weasels like Lee Atwater. And Roger Ailes. And Roger motherfuckin' Stone, he of the Nixon back tattoo.

Nixon seems to have had a sense of shame, as well. He lied because on some level he knew that much of what he had done was actually wrong. I know he says that infamous thing in the Frost interview ("If the President does it, it's not illegal"), but he doesn't really sound convinced . . . he just elected to impale

Which would probably be actual chicken "fingers."

"You ate sand?"

"Arrrh . . . these taxes be high, says I!"

Yeah, but I'm assuming his customary cleverness is a bit clouded by the rage that the LDB provokes in pretty much every sentient being not named Rory Gilmore.

On the Fab Four and golf— no, not really a thing. Sports in general were not really their thing (I don't think anyone even knows for sure whether or which of them support Liverpool or Everton). They might have been avid crown green bowlers at one point, who knows?

Yeah, I was kind of hoping he'd go looking to see if Shane was still around, vapid as she was (or vapid as we were encouraged to think she was, based on the small amount of screen time she had). She can't have turned into anything worse than Rory.

And then backed up, and did it again.

I'd have loved a scene of Jess cramming that animatronic raven down Logan's throat whilst Luke went all "De Niro as Capone in The Untouchables" on the other three.

I've watched the whole series multiple times, and I'm still startled that the other (non-Logan) Douche Brigade members actually have their own names, and we're ostensibly expected to recognize them as distinct characters. I know that they probably should have their own unique names*, as that's sort of the norm for

Such a load of douchebags. The whole detour through absurd rich asshole privilege-land would all have been worth it if they'd drove off a cliff and died before they could harm anyone else, and then it cut to a Law and Order-style bit between two detectives . . .

She actually had an indirect dig at her in an episode of Bunheads, or at least a reference to her infamous insanity (something about Milly [Liza Weil's character] telling a story about talking to the Edge about some new crazy thing that Julie Taymor had him doing or some such).