
The tango club was new. It definitely would make more sense as a dream, or perhaps a fever dream (turns out the bottle in old Roundbottom's desk was actually absinthe mixed with peyote! Whoops!).

It was definitely the same season. But by the time of the yacht-stealing, I'm pretty sure was long past feeling remorse about home-wrecking and was just angsty about Mitchum being mean to her.

Eh, she probably just had Christopher pay for it. Or maybe she dipped into Rory's trust fund(s).

And Pakistan, too. After which they published the written transcript of the (admittedly, fairly innocuous) call to stick a finger in India's eye.

Eh, the apocalypticism is still there— Revelations is just apocalypticism on acid. There's still the "like a thief in the night" and "no stone left on top of another" stuff and other suchlike in the gospels and Paul's various epistles. There's also still the OT major and minor prophets.

Weird, but predictable. The message relies heavily on the second coming of Jesus, and that it's going to happen real soon. So when the second coming inevitably fails to happen, let alone real soon, you're pretty much going to backfill the remaining theological underpinnings with reasons why it is totally still going

Unfortunately, even a knowledgeable, empathetic, altruistic and self-aware person acting in superhuman levels of good faith and good intentions* can't know everything, and can never be certain that he/she even knows enough. Your advisors could lie to you, or omit important information, and you wouldn't know it, or

All of 'em, Katie.

Yup, we sure dodged . . . [sob] a bullet [sob] . . . there . . .

Plus the 30somethings had Ginny! Who isn't even 30!

I genuinely laughed out loud at Lorelai's "only way to pry anything from him" line.

Not having a go (at all, as I like Jess— well, maybe not Jess in his first stint in Stars Hollow, but I've liked him reasonably well in all of his appearances since "Here Comes the Son"):

Apparently it's some sort of inherited trait. Rory was more grounded and sensible between the ages of 15 and 19, and apparently Lorelai was much the same way. As they aged, they've both somehow become less mature and generally sane (although Rory has probably just about edged out Lorelai in those categories as she

Honestly, she has to be pretty flush with cash, what with the jet-setting and so forth. As has been pointed out by many people at this point, there should be at least three sources of inherited money (the trust fund from "Trixie," plus Christopher and Richard) that she should have, adding up to a fairly sizable

But the chapters with Paris will be a hoot.

Up until the final "Unbreakable" song, I was sat there flipping it the bird like that guy in Spinal Tap (at the show for the post-Nigel free-form jazz version of the band). But that last song redeemed it somewhat. It wasn't quite "Istanbul not Constantinople" levels of goodness, but it was much more of what I would

Goddammit, those people need to learn how to write a headline. . . "Doctor Who Made Racist Comments about Michelle Obama." My brain tried to cave in on itself as I read that. "The Doctor wouldn't do that! He's not a racist! He's even had the occasional Scot on the TARDIS! Hell, he's even been Scottish himself

So depressing. There has to be an alternate reality where the Republican party just straight up laughed in his face when he announced he was going to campaign for the GOP nomination.

The Indiana Klan would like a word. Granted, that was almost 100 years ago. But while history may not necessarily repeat, it does occasionally rhyme, as Mark Twain once pointed out.

Apparently Scott Patterson asked ASP if he could take a break during an early scene because it "didn't feel right." So he went for a walk and sat in the gazebo for awhile and then got back into the rhythms of the show etc. I'd guess that was probably true for everyone else, as well.