
I actually rewound to look for a third eye. And the neon sign switching from saying "Flowers" to "Tonight" had to cost a small fortune and could not possibly have been worth it for the extent of its actual use. And none of those clowns could possibly know near enough about anything computer-related to manipulate her

Fair enough.

Yeah, April-the-character wasn't horrible*, it was April-the-plot that sucked.

I give season 7 a big pass in that it had a lot of heavy-lifting to do with respect to untangling the unholy mess the Palladinos had made in season 6. The second half of season 7 might not have been the show at its best, but speaking for myself, it was a huge improvement over everything after the "long lost daughter"

But see, we're supposed to think it's okay that she and Logan are cheating on their SOs because Rory's boyfriend (who reminds me of the dickish server guy from the Oyster Bar on Bunheads, by the way) is such a dud that no one can even remember him . . . and, well, Logan's a smirking jackass so of course he's cheating

If we're just judging it against it's fellow 2016 revivals, it's got X-Files topped without breaking a sweat. Didn't watch either Full or Fuller House, but I'd have to guess it clears that bar pretty easily, too.

The good news then, is that you might not be able to. Unfortunately, that's also the bad news.

It's 1914 all over again!

De Niro seems like a good fella— it's just the heat of the mean streets
causing him to come across as a bit of a raging bull.

To be fair, Your Royal Highness, there are several forms of single-celled organisms who are more qualified than Il Douche, so the bar is a bit low.

On the evidence of the past 25 years or so, I'm afraid President Clinton won't be allowed to get away with the sort of shenanigans that GWB and Company did. They won't be able to, e.g., "misplace" 20,000,000 e-mails the way his admin did. Hell, they won't be allowed to do things legally and ethically without being

It's absolutely criminal that D.C. doesn't have genuine representation in Congress. The population is more than the entire state of Wyoming, which has at least two votes too many.

It's exactly the same here in the Bluegrass state. I don't think I've seen a single ad in which any of the Dems running has so much as acknowledged that they are actually Democrats. And everybody has to pledge allegiance to coal, because heaven forfend someone admit that the industry is circling the drain and that

Not that I'd have voted for the Libertarians in any event, but the fact that they so obviously had the wrong guy at the top of the ticket is all the motivation one should need to not vote for them. Weld seems like a stand-up guy at least. Johnson is just terrible. It's as if the Republicans had put Sarah Palin at

Yes, "heighten the contradictions!" And it worked like a charm in '68. And no other Republican was ever elected again after Nixon.

Yup. The total number of votes cast for Republicans in the House will (just as in 2012) be less than the total cast for Democrats, but they'll retain control.

Slut Bumwalla.

Ni shagu nazad!

"seem like a Doctor Who ripoff"

"Captain Forehead."