
And then came season 7.

Although Boreanaz got better, and got to be funny more often on his own show, I think there's no denying that Marsters was having fun from the moment he showed up in "School Hard." So (speaking just for myself here) if I like Spike more, it's not so much because I think he's better for Buffy (let's face it, there's a

I saw a poll somewhere today that reported that 40% of likely Republican voters in North Carolina think that ACORN will somehow steal the election from their man Trump. ACORN. Which has been defunct since 2010, and never had anything to do with the mythical fraudulent votes that were never cast in 2008 in the first

I still wouldn't vote for him, either, but that bit at the MSNBC Town Hall where Johnson completely blanked on naming any foreign leader, and Weld is sitting over there clearly thinking, "I've made a huge mistake" (as well as probably thinking, "Trudeau, Hollande, May, Merkel, just pick one, dumbass") is exhibit A for

I echo this, and agree with everything above. Of course at his best, Romney was still a poor simulacrum of an actual human being. But, say what you will about him, the man actually seemed to know things, and acknowledged the existence of at least some facts. And he seemed to view knowing things as a positive sort

Yeah— remember the salad days of Romney talking about how tall the trees were? Or getting schooled by the Tory(!) PM of England on how difficult it is to provide adequate security for an Olympics held in an actual, y'know, big city, instead of one where half the population doesn't even drink booze or even anything as

I believe she's already indicated that whoever wins, RBG is stepping down. Breyer likely won't be far behind. There's speculation that Thomas might step down as well (makes sense; now that Scalia's gone, Thomas doesn't have anyone to tell him how to vote, etc., and I'm sure a lovely range of lucrative sinecures from

Your avatar and handle remind me just how perverse it is that almost 50 years later, pointing out that some "Real Americans" have some really horrible prejudices and/or anachronistic world views is still met with a substantial amount of opprobrium, while hippy-punching is still perfectly acceptable and more likely to

Exactly. And seeing other people saying/tweeting the hateful things you're thinking and feeling has a way of reinforcing and normalizing those thoughts and feelings. Pretty soon, parking a truck filled with fertilizer in front of a federal building in Oklahoma City seems not only not totally crazy, but a totally

Wasn't the guy who originally did that also a teetotaler?

And as of 2016 . . . even your avatar is no longer illustrative of your handle. McCain seems only slightly right of center given all that's transpired in the past 8 years.

Or, given all the horrible things he said and did during the primary—to great acclaim from the plurality of registered Republican voters who helped propel him to the nomination— maybe it wouldn't have made a difference then. We're talking about people who could be seen booing other, only slightly more principled

And had just gotten married to his third wife.

Bit of obvious, but:

To be fair, though, just about every X-Files episode that was supposed to take place in some place or other was very clearly in BC.

I'm guessing he doesn't think they rule.

Speaking of, I'm not sure where this RHCP hate comes from. Judging from Andrea Tantaros' harassment complaint, just about every man working for F*X should have "Super Secret Song Inside" as their personal anthem/credo.

A blind, effectively helpless superhero. I mean, I get it— The Terror doesn't fucking play. He's a bad guy, not some costumed weirdo playing by the rules of the Guild of Calamitous Intent. But that was just brutal.

Lest we forget:

Sweet baby Jesus, yes, Invasion of the Neptune Men is way, way up there. Utterly lifeless. Makes Prince of Space look like Rashomon.