
I'm particularly fond of the folks who, for example, are 1/16th Cherokee (or Choctaw, or Chickasaw, etc.) and conveniently claim the oppression of Native Americans as their own personal struggle, or to leaven their otherwise bigoted worldview with some sort of sympathetic "perspective." Except for the 95% of the time

There's that bit in her audition where I was seriously waiting for her to say, "He'd never touch you, Terry. You're . . . Dirt."

I'd tuck you in, but you're . . . uh . . . dead.

Do you? Well, DO YOU!? Better say yes, dammit!

Spot on.

Your avatar suggests what would have been the ultimate RNC trolling song: "There Ain't Shit on TV Tonight." Or "Maybe Partying Will Help." Or "Toadies." Or just the entirety of Double Nickels on the Dime on a loop.

Why is this so important to you? You sound like you're going to cry yourself to sleep if your failed football-player-turned-actor hero doesn't vote for your guy. Are you 12?

Oh, boy, this hoary old ahistorical chestnut: "Robert Byrd was a Democrat and he was in the KKK!!! Democrats are the real racists!!!!"

At the very least, Margaery. He spent a great deal of this season (and the last, once she was detained by the gods-botherers) pining for her.

Yeah, I get that, but I just can't resist having a go at Hodgson. This was the same idiot telling Liverpool supporters that they should be grateful to be 12th, and that a 2-0 defeat to Everton in the derby prompted him to say that "I watched the performance and the second half was as good as I saw a Liverpool team

"Hey, Gomez, you wanna take a line here, buddy?"

Wouldn't? Or Couldn't? (I think I have that backwards).

"Haaaaa! Haaaaa! Haaaaa!"

No worries.

I'm partial to "The Whores Can Come," but this episode's should absolutely be high on anyone's list.

"While this game had similarities to Iceland’s win over England"

We did get three terms of FDR, though. And at least a tiny bit of a fourth. As VP successors go, as well, we could do (and have done) far worse than Give 'em Hell Harry.

That ending was some brutal stuff. I immediately thought of Randy from S4 of The Wire: "You gonna look out for me, Sergeant Carver?" .

No worries.:)

Er, second Adams or Roosevelt, right?