
You believe correctly, and Todd was the one who did these reviews.

They were actually present at the parley scene. I think they were flying amongst the Stark/Mormont/Wildling lines during the battle as well.

Maybe she could take lessons from Adelaide Clemens between seasons . . .

Yeah,the parallels are kind of eerie really. Fox had that back in the early to mid nineties (Simpsons, X-Files), and the now-defunct WB had it (on a smaller scale, to be fair) in the early to mid-aughts.

I envy anyone who has the opportunity to partake of an unseen season 2 of iZombie. So, so good.

But, but! Shakespeare! In the West End! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

This comment needs many more upvotes. And a slow clap.

Yeah, and tonight's deaths might not have been graphically explicit, but what we saw left little doubt (unlike, perhaps, with Stannis). The waif clearly had her face removed and we see the blood dripping down into the sewers after the gods-botherer had his head forcibly removed, etc.

Gendry, if he's ever finished rowing to wherever he was headed when last we saw him. Technically, as it were.

. . . and the Braavosi corporation for public broadcasting . . . and viewers like you. Thank you.

cf. "Voter fraud." If something isn't done to stop this totally awful thing that's totally happening (except, not really at all, of course), the world will end! If we have to prevent thousands of people from legally voting in order to stop even one case of voter fraud, so be it!

The only danger there is that we become even more desensitized to gun violence than we already are. Like local newscasts showing the night's winning lotto numbers— it's just there, isn't that nice, maybe someone won . . . but it wasn't me. Of course, if one of the daily tally includes someone you care about, it will

Not only that but he was born here. Is Trump's "Muslim ban" going to somehow include banning all Islamic gametes? Or even potentially Islamically-inclined gametes and zygotes? That might pose a problem with the "birth begins at conception" crowd. Or it would, if the vast majority of the forced-pregnancy crusaders

I can't believe no one's mentioned Walder Frey. And he was even in the episode! Being a total bastard, as is his usual wont.

So, so many mixed metaphors in such a short speech. But you work with what you've got, not what you wish you had.

Yeah, for Braavos, I imagine the doings of various aristocrats in Westeros are kind of like the occasional American fascination with the British Royal family.

"Stamford Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down . . ."

Euron has all the best people. He'll get his fleet built so fast, you won't believe it. And then he'll keep winning, so much that you'll be sick of winning all the time.

It's hard on an Irishman in Westeros.

This is forgivable in this old's opinion. The ostensible function of a 24 hour news network should mean that they are able to provide you with information that is useful. It's not your fault for thinking that they might actually do that from time to time with a minimum of fuss.