
For half a second I genuinely thought they'd reveal that the gate that Brienne, Sansa and Pod were going through was going to belong to a castle other than Castle Black, because that's kind of how this show rolls.

Well, John Ford actually had one and was there, as well.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Late '90, maybe, because I remember listening to that album in second semester of my sophomore year ('91).

Funny thing (heh)— the long awaited ST album, Break Like the Wind came out around the same time.

That, and he's been reading a bit, as well. Who knows what sort of crazy stuff he and Shireen (sniff) might have stumbled upon during one of their off-screen "Davos learns to read" sessions. He's seen Mel do some other stuff he didn't understand, so might as well give resurrection a shot.

The M6, I reckon.

Yeah, they're definitely rare. But for those that do exist, one reason would be that I think it's one of those things where its initial impact becomes diminished over time (for certain people). I mean, OK Computer is a fairly bleak album when you get down to it (still in my personal all-time top five favorite

I honestly thought there would be a jump cut right after his drunken tale to zombie Mountain giving it to Cersei (perhaps in a tasteful, gift-wrapped box of some sort).

No. They went to a nice farm beyond the Wall where they get to run and play all day, forever.

While nothing there really blows me away, there's nothing on there I don't like, and "Myxomatosis" routinely gets dropped into my playlists.

Hmmm. While that would probably have made the first spin of that album a bit odd, as well, it's much shorter than "Bloom," and more focused. I think it would have worked fine, and probably even transitions into "Airbag" more readily than "Electioneering." Ultimately, now that we're in the mp3 era and listeners can

The answer is . . . none. None more white.

Ruined is a bit harsh, maybe, but the end of that one feels like they couldn't decide how to close it out and just shrugged their shoulders and then lashed on all three or so of the tracks they couldn't agree on.

You're right, the sound is totally different. The thing that kind of lowers it in my esteem is that the opening track is about as inaccessible as anything they'd ever done. It would be like if Kid A led off with "Treefingers." Everything after "Bloom" otherwise is at least fine. YMMV, etc.

Well, that seems overly Optimistic.

To an extent the same thing happened with OK Computer, though, didn't it? A lot of bands are like that, but there's probably no band on the planet that quite defies anything resembling a consensus from album to album. Even OK Computer has its detractors.

I remember those discussions from way back when the S8 comics were first hitting the shelves— some were fine with them being canon, especially if Joss said so. Others refused to acknowledge them as such, no matter who .


No— doing a bit. And showing my age in the process, I suspect.

Totally agree with this, I was just thinking someone somewhere might see the potential to cash in. I've no doubt Joss would oppose it (if there were no interest whatsoever in doing it properly), and if it got made in some way without his consent, he'd be having kittens. But who knows? If they get someone like Rob