
I seem to recall a line about "cleaning out her basement" as a euphemism for anal sex. Which was delivered whilst she was wearing a nun's habit. From my perspective, quite a few naughty boxes were dicked— er, ticked. As it were.

Nothing happened after "Company Man."

I, for one, am opposed to anything that sounds even vaguely like The Initiative. Unless it's executed about 1,000 times better (and doesn't involve Marc Blucas in any way, shape or form).

Blaine is Ursula.

High school Bigshot, eh? Well done.

I think where various actors and their screen-time are concerned, we're kind of in Veronica Mars territory— they just can't afford to put them in every episode. At least we haven't reached the point where the ostensible main cast members have to go missing for an episode or two, as was the case with (IIRC) VM season

That's not necessarily what I was trying to say (which is, obviously, my fault). It was more about how we haven't seen— as we had in the past— scenes with her at work and so forth. I'm fully aware that there are plot-related reasons for this— i.e., it's not necessary and/or it would be gratuitous to just have a

And with the reveal about the brains in Dear old Dad's fridge being human (or at least definitely not bovine), and that the earlier bovine brains were actually human, it's only a matter of time before Clive has to realize that zombies are a thing. Especially when you factor in that they made sure to show us that

R.I.P. Lowell. Nice that he got a shout-out here, even if it was literally a "blink and miss it" shout-out.


You kids don't know how good you have it these days! Why, I remember having to wait more than a month between episodes during season 3 of Angel back in the Spring of Ought-Two ("Sleep Tight" aired 3/4/02, "Forgiving" aired 4/15/02)!

I think it was totally innocuous. He was a wee bit drunk, and that extended, erm, presentation of Candy's derriere sealed the deal. Her zombification was an unfortunate and unintended side effect, but I suspect Blaine will take this new development in stride, like pretty much everything else.

Were those scones? Because while I can just about see some of the more creative non-dessert brain-centric and (more or less, for lack of a better word) savory creations Liv has made, I'm afraid I can't quite wrap my head around hot-sauce infused pastries.

The Neko Case/Nick Cave version, please.

It's a bit of a non-sequitur, though, isn't it? I mean, that song is kind of about the Troubles ("It's the same thing since 1916"), and isn't especially apropos of zombies in a traditional sense.

"'You are under arrest' . . . are the words I would be saying to you if you were under arrest."

From the perspective of a Trump supporter, I'd speculate these would be the responses:

<pedantic mode="">Would the AD analogue for Jeb!* be GOB? Or would that be Michael— with Neil being Buster, and (George W. being GOB)? After all, wasn't Jeb! supposed to be "the smart one"? I mean while "charm" is not necessarily a word anyone might use to describe Dubya, compared to poor Jeb! he seems to be

Indeed. Well in, lad.

"The crazy thing about this GOP primary is how the big money has been staying on the sidelines."