
Wait— Trump won SC by 10 points. And captured all 44 delegates. Worse still for the (Republican) anti-Trumpites— Rubio and Cruz finished with 22.5% and 22.3% respectively, a virtual tie. Both will be convinced that they should be the standard-bearer for all the non-Trump Republican voters, and thus neither will

Off the top of my head, one possible explanation:

"Blaine mentioned his dad having Candy's fingers cut off, so how did she get them back?"

Hey, at least they let her sing, too.

Not contradicting or complaining . . . just sort of marveling that these days, a .82 rating somehow translates into likely survival. It wasn't that long ago that four times (even as much as ten times!) that number would mean certain cancellation.

Nick Offerman as Jackson's [whatever Nick Offerman's character was in relation to Jackson]?

Danny Strong even has a couple of Emmys.

Presumably it never occurred to them that he wouldn't risk not killing these zombies. So making a show of dumping "bodies" is satisfactory . . . at least for now. They likely wouldn't do the due diligence of actually confirming that the "bodies" being dumped are in fact the zombies Major's supposed to be killing,

Well, when you're tasked with murdering people (or else) by an amoral sociopath, and you're averse to actually killing them (because you're not an amoral sociopath), you kind of have to improvise and hope for the best.

I completely second that. Sometimes the case of the week is interesting enough on its own, but what you're talking about is especially true if the case of the week is sort of dull.

Well, I did sort of groan when, after her flashback to seeing social butterfly-brain girl buying Lucky U off of Don-E, she announced aloud to no one in particular that, "Blaine is the mysterious new player in the Utopium business!"

He's not as interesting as Liv's last non-Major love interest. Of course I didn't like him at first either, so maybe there's hope for Drake.

And I hope he never finds out. If she doesn't suffer any practical ill effects— like zombie-ism, obviously— it's probably better that he never knows about it. 'Cause even as hot as Peyton is, just knowing she had relations with the biggest slimeball in Seattle would kind of be a dealbreaker.

If memory serves, Hosea (the minor prophet) was ordered by God to marry a prostitute (named Gomer, because *hawt*. Speaking of bad porn 'nyms). Pretty smooth, really. I'm surprised that "God-fearing" but scandal prone politicians don't use that defense more often: "God commanded me to have sex with that

Also, too, "stepping out for a fag. And, I say, this fire could do with another faggott or two."

"Das ist nicht eine boobie!"

Seriously. Did no one watch Better Call Saul?

But I bet since then they've figured out how to "fingerprint vomit," to determine to whom it may have belonged.

She showed up on Bunheads, eventually. And I wouldn't mind seeing Stacey Oristano get some kind of role in the new episodes of GG, speaking of that show.

And the escapism. Stars Hollow (and Paradise, for that matter [chokes back tears]) weren't particularly realistic, but it's (usually, for the most part) always fun to spend an hour or so there.