
I get what you're saying, but there's not really an analogue of, for example, the TARDIS in True Detective. Or the Daleks, which are contractually obligated to appear in at least one story per season. DW has several markers that make it recognizable as such. So far the only real constant in TD is Pizzolatto, and a

And didn't Clyde Bruckman imply that Mulder would die as a result of auto-erotic asphyxiation gone wrong?

I bet he looks a lot like Dean Venture.

Just sort of blue-skying on this . . .

Seriously, though the guy's name is Kip. And was apparently the sort of person who thinks, "Yeah, that's fucking metal, that is! Wait'll they hear my 'Kip'-ass bass licks!"


I had forgotten about Adele's earlier attempt when I had posted. But her and Simon had even had sex in season one— he never noticed the scars before?

I could see having a somewhat different setting (a new small town, new tragedies, etc.), with maybe one or two characters from the first two seasons being part of it going forward.

Back in season one, we learned that Simon seems to have suffered from a deep clinical depression. There doesn't appear to have been any one single trigger, just that he had some pretty difficult psychological/emotional problems. There's also, if I recall correctly, a fairly strong connection (bit of an echo, even)

There was this moment where he grabs her wrists, and he pauses . . . and a look of revelation passes over his face. My immediate thought was that he didn't feel a pulse (which, is that even a thing for this show's version of the undead? They definitely need to breathe . . . sort of, since not being able to breathe

But he sure does love himself.

I get what you're saying, but as pointless as the character was, i just can't bring myself to bear any ill will toward Lindsay Weir.

"The great-est lo-ove of allllllll . . . "

Most Holy Pontiff, or GTFO.

Yeah, in that context, Marla's words were pure cynicism. But had they been advice delivered to and heeded by, e.g., Wallace or Bodie . . .

"You cannot lose if you do not play."


Nah, that was the execrable Code Name Diamondhead. But you'd have to work pretty hard to convince me that Roy Thinnes and Tab Hunter aren't the same person, and those movies certainly look alike.


It really, really did.