
Having a skull for a face and saying nothing but "Nevermore! Nevermore!"

I don't disagree that it should be in contention, but there are three big issues:

And then there's his Principal Snyder character.

I dunno— would you classify pure grain alcohol as food?

"But you can't be the Pope! You're a zombie!"

Yes, it's fair to say Syd won't be getting into the new Poof.

"It's an illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money . . .

Well, it's not like "Irina" is some sort of hideous cow.

On a recent viewing of that episode, it occurred to me that as awful as it was, Puma Man had the potential to be a better movie/series premise than The Greatest American Hero. Which is a bit like saying that colon cancer is slightly less awful than simultaneously suffering from every other form of cancer, but there

Absolutely. I love the bit in Teenagers from Outer Space where Joel explains the difference between the movie's version of renting a room and what that would actually be like in real life. Or the "why Jimmy lies" bit in I Accuse My Parents. Or the re-enactment of the "Are You Happy?" song from the same movie. Well

" . . . what's this 'and the rest' crap?"

Some of them— he assumes— are good people . . .

"And for my encore, here are some of my favorite scenes from the C. Thomas Howell classic, Soul Man . . . "


I thought for sure they'd go for a True Detective reference when Clive confronted the abusive dad, but there was nary a mention of butt-fucking anyone's headless corpse on the front lawn with anyone else's mom.

"There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito."

AHEM, 2nd greatest. Right behind that other one, what's it called, the one about the flying Jewish zombie and so forth.

It involved a great lot of riding nowhere, spending someone's hard-earned pay.

"G.E. sucks!"

Well, as everyone knows, he wrote the Constitution, the most important amendment to which is the 2nd, so, Q.E.D.(erp)