
They know what they did.


"The goggles do nothing . . ."

The mindwipe will turn out to have been undertaken because someone spoiled the ending of The Sixth Sense for him, and he was determined to see it without being spoiled. However, in an ironic, even Shyamalan-esque (read: utterly shithouse) twist, he'll watch pretty much any other Shyamalan movie first, correctly

And the blanket pardons by his successor— who was almost certainly aware of, if not involved in the shenanigans— took care of any further interest in further investigation. And a compliant media certainly helped, as well: "Gosh, I just don't think America could withstand another Constitutional crisis! Until it's a

I know, right?

John Reynolds (original Torgo) committed suicide a month before the film premiered, so definitely not the same guy.

It's his fortress of balditude!

"A lot of the charm . . ."

And once again, Manos . . . the HANDS of fate.

Manos makes movies like Red Zone Cuba or The Skydivers feel like fast-paced, joyous, life-affirming triumphs of cinema.

Semen-tics . . . er, semantics.

But they've got a wall made of toothbrushes. And Vikings. Maybe.

Well, when you, as the GOP, and via your various propaganda organs, spend the better part of thirty-five or so years proclaiming that government is bad, governing always leads to bad things, etc., you eventually wind up with a least some frighteningly large segment of the population that takes you at word.


And right on cue, about a week later, Eyjafjallajökull erupted in Iceland.

What would St. Ronnie do?

Or the villainous master of disguise in Code Name: Diamond Head.

If they had then immediately cut to a shot of Rob Corddry standing in a poppy field, that would have salvaged a tiny slice of goodwill for that show. As it is, I can't even watch a good episode of The West Wing anymore without being filled with rage. Granted, it's only mild rage and it passes quickly, but still.

Okay, so I was reading up on this and huge