
Colonel Barnfather!

I think that the crimes the senator would be guilty of— the dirt to which Jon alludes— would be more of a suppression of evidence and/or knowingly prosecuting an innocent man despite having exculpatory information, all for political gain. It's not likely to be actual involvement in the rape or murder itself.

Anyone who steals dildos sucks cock by choice!

But y'know, maybe throw in doing skag with .38 Special and it would be tough to find a more completely stellar resume of backstage shenanigans circa 1981.

And the way they all think Beth is just hilarious. On par with Ruth Buzzi, who is also apparently really hilarious in this universe.

But seriously, some of us work weekends. We need amusing distractions as much as— or more than— the folks who need a diversion from their Monday-Friday office drudgery . . .

That and those gigantic floppy disks.

Good point. Keitel's character at least seemed capable of remorse.

There may have been a reunion event for his old unit in the Alabama Air National Guard, also, too.

The audience spoiled it a bit, though. I figured the noticeable rise in noise level could only have been due to Colbert making his entrance just off camera— there was even the beginning of the old "Stephen! Stephen!" chant.

"I don't know how much more there even is to say about him."

No, it was definitely Camille who died in the crash. It seemed they were going for a bit of a "Corsican Brothers" thing, there. Made me wonder if we would see Lena react to what Camille was going through in the bus crash. I expect that gets revealed later in the series . . .

If they had cast someone with just a bit more range— someone who clearly had a sense of humor, and used that humor and charm to mask his various issues, the character would work better. Kitsch gives Paul two basic modes— openly angry about his issues, and quite obviously seething with barely controlled with angst

Although it just won't have that same vibe* if there are more than three people at any given set.

Yup. And lest we forget— Arli$$.

Serious question—can we just turn the comment threads for this show into TD discussion if it's going to take this long to get the reviews up (which I understand . . . there are reasons having to do with lack of screeners and such, but still)? Is that okay with everyone else? I mean if this show gets good in the next

Or, this being HBO— First and Ten! (with or without the optional "Do it Again!").

And then there was that scene in Minority Report which basically ripped off that scene. But instead of Spacey, the victim was played by . . . Colin Farrell.

Acoustic shadows? E.g., during the Civil War, people would report being able to hear the sounds of battle as though it were occurring next door, when it was actually many miles away. Or not hearing a thing despite the fact that a major battle would be taking place on the other side of a hill . . .

Well, I don't know if it rose to quite the same heights as "Who Goes There?" but the final scene in "Down Will Come" was not fucking around.