
Dammit! Note to self— read the whole thread first.

"And that little boy, who nobody liked, grew up to be . . . Ted Cruz! And now you know the rest of the story!"

Fuck. Me. We have a Democratic Governor, for cryin' out loud! I'd have figured Oklahoma before Kentucky. It's that goddamn Creation Museum, is what it is. Fucking ex-pat Australians should all just please fuck right off back to Oz, thank you very much.

Exactly. Bachmann won some straw poll or some such in Iowa in 2012, didn't she? And that worked out pretty well for her, as I recollect . . . her prize was playing waitress for the fellas at one of the 1,257 debates during that primary.

Yeah, and I doubt Yoga Jones' flashback could possibly be as affecting as that scene from way back where she told the story of how she wound up in prison.

Eh, I'd have said the same thing about Bodie at the end of Season 1 of The Wire, and look how that turned out. Not saying this show is quite on the same level, but never say never.

Yeah, I think it was mostly impulsive. I mean, she's obviously STILL perpetually obsessing about Christopher, but I don't think the notion to "deploy" Vinny in service to that obsession arrived in her head until after he proclaimed that he wouldn't let any harm come to her, etc.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, Zig."

'Tis true— the Abrahamic religions are pretty similar until you get to Jesus (and/or Mohammed, one supposes).

Cheryl's joke was a riff on the earlier "Jewish problem" remark that had been made with regard to the kosher meals, and referenced the horrific fact that the Nazis literally used the victims of the Holocaust for making things
like soap (as well as a whole bunch of other unspeakable things).

For the same reasons they can't acknowledge that there are some circumstances under which a woman might be allowed to terminate a pregnancy, even in extreme circumstances like rape or incest. For the same reasons that they can't acknowledge that maybe raising taxes on people who could easily afford to pay more in

Well, per Charlie Pierce, it's the "home office of American sedition." Also home to three of the most unapologetically racist and vile figures in all of American political history: John C. Calhoun, Strom Thurmond and Lee Atwater (born in Georgia, but made his name in the GOP in SC).

Their perpetual lack of any self-awareness really is astonishing.

"After living here for 47 years, he decided to move to Orlando to be closer to Disney World."

Nah. Not enough Vikings.

The true north strong and free!

You joke, but several GOP congressman are probably right now drafting legislation inspired by that scene.

Aw, bugger, I knew I'd be beaten on that one.

"have food and shit* thrown at you"

The movie is awful, but there's some truth in what you say. For example, doesn't someone suggest at some point— in a matter of fact way, as though they were discussing the probability of whether or not water is wet— that they'll simply appoint Janet Jackson as the new star of their topless revue? Not LaToya— which