
I killed that fat barkeep!

Wait, what?

And then you grab a ketchup bottle and squirt it at someone because you're angry. So, so angry.

Brienne is totally going to kill Stannis now, and I will not be torn in the slightest about that. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Might want to hold off on the Melisandre murdering until after certain other events have transpired, though. Unless Davos bumps into Thoros on his way to Castle Black, in which case,

Toon supporter? If so, I really hope you guys can somehow get rid of Mike Ashley. He's absolutely ruining that club.

Yeah. I love The Clash, but when you're reduced to filling in the space on the sixth side of your triple-LP with kids singing versions of your older songs, you might have gone just a touch overboard.

Yeah, George really kind of gets it in the neck up there. If you absolutely had to have three George songs in that list, I'd drop "Old Brown Shoe" for "If I Needed Someone" (and thereby get "I Am the Walrus" off that list in the process. What kind of knobhead even puts that song on a list like this?)

Eh, you can only get so far with a nice set of tits.

But they looked so much like her own children, what with the glowing eyes and missing a large portion of the abdominal region and what-not . . . yeah, no, I don't get it either.

I doubt anyone will miss him— he was kind of a bonehead.

They just call it China, like anyone anywhere who's not an insufferable twat.

Oh, fuck off. Who even calls them "Red" China anymore?

Bollocks. The All Blacks'd have 'em for tea.

Concern troll is, unsurprisingly, concerned.

That's apparently God's go to move a disturbing number of times.

I know of at least one person who had the same appellation— Jim Bob— but it wasn't shortened from James Robert. His parents apparently *officially* named him Jim Bob. Because this is Kentucky, so why not just go all in on embracing the worst dumbass, redneck stereotypes?

If I recall correctly, it was about money (isn't it always?). ASP wasn't getting what she wanted from the WB, so she left after season six. But not before taking the show into a narrative nosedive that it never really recovered from. I thought Rosenthal and co. did a decent enough job with season 7, but they had

Absolutely. Diana is to dreary joylessness what Glenn is to dead-eyed creepiness. I'd rather have half the finale be just a montage of Don's various midday naps while at work down the years (or maybe a montage of every door-opening or -closing scene ever shot) than spend even half a second with either of those

Works for me.

As you say that, Newark is fuming over in the corner and would like a word.