
Thanks, Sansa!

(Disclaimer— this isn't aimed at you, Mr. Weasel, but at the info in the link you posted)

I think some people smoked some weed? And Matt Frewer had his cranium involuntarily and accidentally ventilated.

I'm with you. As far as I'm concerned, that episode never happened. I appreciate the attempt, fair play and all that, but it just didn't work. If fan fiction writers out there want to do stories involving Tony and his crap hockey-hair and cheesy facial hair, go nuts (pun intended?), but I want no part of it.

Or from the way back machine, The Young Ones. Or Benny Hill. Or even I, Claudius, for fuck's sake.

Yeah, come to think of it, the only ones I have on Blu-Ray are the two seasons of Pushing Daisies, another Fuller show.

Honest question: So they have these lawyers . . . are they, too, true believers? Or just soulless shit-sacks (or what others might simply call "lawyers," but some of my best friends are lawyers and they're actually not soulless shit-sacks)?

Obviously Danny is going to haunt the surviving Rayburns in season 2. And they could conceivably choose to do this literally, as they have done with Mia Kirshner as grown-up Sarah (but with more interaction and possibly with everyone instead of just Danny). It could even work, if they do it right, and I wouldn't

It's kind of Faulkner-esque, isn't it? Not as much incest, mental illness and suicide, and not quite as much to do with race, but still.

I don't think she's all that sanctimonious . . . it's just that she's cheating on Marco, who seems to be pretty decent. It's a common characteristic for all the Rayburn significant others, even Chelsea, who might be a bit wayward but isn't manipulative and seems fairly ethical, generous and long-suffering. Even Alec

Sir Isaac Newton. Inventor of Calculus. Brilliant physicist. The equations he devised in his Universal Theory of Gravity were used to put the first men on the moon.

"A couple of centuries ago, the Church actually killed people over such disagreements."

"And I wonder,
Yeah i wonder,
Will [LRH/Xenu/Elvis] take the place of Jesus in a
thousand years?
Religious wars, barbaric laws— bloodshed worldwide over
what's left of his myth?"

Well, there are a few others that do that (e.g. the Amish and their practice of shunning. And there's the notion among some Muslims that apostasy ought to be punishable by death). And I sometimes wonder if some of the other more tolerant religious sects, denominations, sub-sects, et cetera, wouldn't also like to do

Maybe that bottled water he grabbed out of the fridge was magic.

Yeah, and John may not be the best cop in the world, but it takes a really exceptionally bad cop to allow someone so heavily intoxicated to take your firearm off of you like that.

That's how the song goes.

I'd put it in the same sort of tier as something like Broadchurch. Or maybe Rubicon. Different kinds of shows, but same levels of quality.

It's possible it never occurred to Danny that Potts would have interviewed his siblings. There's a bit in this episode where Potts is talking to John about how he talked to Robert and Danny at the same time at the hospital, where (I'm assuming) the hit and run story first originated. Danny may have assumed that