
Well, maybe not liked it— speaking only for myself— but I'd have watched it for much longer than the fifteen or so minutes I actually watched it.

I think that makes Rudolf Martin one of the few actors to play Dracula in two completely different productions.

Gotta say, that's some top-shelf screen name/comment synergy.

Honestly, I couldn't say, since I didn't watch anything after that episode in this universe (zombies just aren't my thing). But I'm sure there's a universe in which each episode/season is better than the last, just as there's also a universe in which AMC rebranded itself as AyEmCee (a la SyFy) and currently shows

Sigh. There's an alternate universe where I'm looking forward to continuing my relationship with AMC— the universe where the fourth or so season of Rubicon is about to air, and the third or fourth season of Terriers —which that alternate universe's AMC decided to snap up when it was axed by FX— is just around the

Yeah, OB gets some serious demerits just for the whole Tony thing (not so much the concept, but the execution).

Dammitt, Sasha's in this?

Tea and cake . . . or death!

Do we even dare contemplate the shitty, shitty show that has "Pictures of Lily" as its theme song?

If the incentives were there, and they could shoot it in some southern coastal town, maybe it would be something to differentiate the US version from the UK version. I'm sure some of the accents would be atrocious (and "murder in a small southern town" is bound to be a bit of a cliche, maybe? I can't think of

neo-con narrative of Roosevelt ushering in the modern welfare state
through his response to the Great Depression will perhaps be quieted by
this new film."

While you're waiting, I heartily recommend Burns' documentary on the Dust Bowl (which is on Netflix), if you haven't seen it already.

Seriously. Just tell me what the fucking score was and show some highlights, preferably without the "funny" or "hip" narration.

No, it was definitely pre-Fred. It was a stand-alone episode about a telekinetic girl— I think her name was Bethany— whom Angel and Co. try to help and also prevent W&H from using her for some evil ends or other, as is their wont.

Wait . . . Tristan was likeable? Well, maybe for a few fleeting seconds in a couple of episodes. But even then, I think the word I would use is "pitiable."

If that's an FNL reference, I approve.

Relax— Ryan's eyes are very different from Gjokaj's. As in, Ryan's eyes bear a striking resemblance to the eyes of a zombie who has a penchant for granny-starving*, while Gjokaj's do not.

I know. It's kind of like some Hollywood producer decides to do a movie version of Hamlet, goes all the way to London to see Olivier in the role, knows Olivier would own it for all eternity and that he's got room in his schedule for the movie. . . but the producer decides to go with someone else. I mean, the someone

Actually it's Buffy, Season 5, "Family." She played Tara's cousin Beth; we know this, because Tara addresses her as "Cousin Beth," like all people everywhere do whenever directly addressing family members, so any potential audience will be able to quickly sort out the nature of their relationships.

Nope. I don't know how seriously you are asking, but law enforcement agencies, etc. and government(s) got one of the main ingredients so strictly regulated that the Colombians and so forth who made them could no longer do so. Or at least not without going to great expense, and the cocaine— er, industry, I guess—