
What has Tahmoh Penikett been up to lately?

That's no lady! That's Loras Tyrell.

Right. It's like the show is wanting us to applaud its multi-level progressive view of sexuality . . . but can't quite commit to making the relationship itself— irrespective of their physical differences and gender sameness— actually, genuinely progressive and rooted in equality.

It's the Victorian era's very own Who's the Boss?, is what it is.

Oy, ye misspelled Shayme.

That parenthetical goes for me, as well. StraVastJenny serve the general purpose of giving Clara someone to interact with whilst the Doctor is unconscious/missing (and the occasional labored bits of "humor"). Just as Mickey and Jackie do for Rose in "The Christmas Invasion." However, the interactions here just left

Nah, Darren strikes me as the guy who's just a hack, and deep down he knows it. He desperately wants acclaim and success, but when that perpetually and inevitably eludes him, he adopts his persona, trying to make it seem he never wanted any of that stuff, and using his pretentiousness as a smokescreen for both his

Obligatory Venture Brothers reference:

Yeah, the Beatles themselves— at least the ones that became famous— were kind of bit-players in that movie. It was largely just about Sutcliffe, and Sutcliffe and Astrid Kirchherr's relationship. If it had been exclusively focused on that, it might have been pretty good, too . . . but it was sort of simultaneously

NBC has even been here before— they aired a rather forgettable movie called In His Life: The John Lennon Story back in 2000. It was focused on the period right before they hit it big. It wasn't horrible or anything— it was mostly just kind of there.

Do certain appendages glisten quite a lot, or is it too cold where they live?

Jerry Lewis? Gerry Marsden or GTFO.

Yeah, and when you're just leaving voice-mail, there's no need to

To say nothing of her Grand, who might objectively be the most badass GoT Dame of them all.

"These are the facts: thirty-one years, six months, twenty-two days, seven hours and 35 minutes ago . . ."

And then BEEEEEEEEEP and BEEEEEEEEEEEP you old horny slut!

Seriously. And how do you write this? Do you know going in how mad-talented Maslany is, and decide you want to do a vehicle for her talents, and so work forward from that? Alternatively— before having cast Maslany*— how could you come up with the premise and the basic idea, having never seen any actor ever actually

I think the technical term is "sploosh."

Well . . . his character's name was Paul, too, so maybe he was afraid of getting typecast as "deadly dull guy named Paul."

Y'know she may not be super-experienced or polished, but I'd like to see Jessica Williams get a shot at this. African American and female.