
I still giggle over his "The Hills" exposé/parody from many moons ago. "J-squared."

(Arsenio Hall runs from the room, sobbing inconsolably)

The problem is that the longer a show runs, the more it costs. Mostly due to actors' contracts stipulating that they receive more money over time (and possibly writers' and crew's or anyone involved with the show that
has a union and thus a CBA, as well? I'm not totally sure on this point).

This. It costs the same (or nearly the same) as Netflix, but there are commercials? If there were no other streaming services, or they all had commercials, it might make more sense. Netflix may not have a show you really want to marathon RIGHT NOW, but the odds that the show will be on there eventually are

He's vacationing in Belize.

Downton Abbey may be past it's sell-by date, but Michelle Dockery's eyebrows would like a word with you . . .

What— you mean you don't like something that tastes like pine needles mixed with rubbing alcohol?

Yup, S2: "I Only Have Eyes for You."

Her bar-top dancing scenes in the "TGI Murder" episode of NTSF:SD:SUV almost make up for it. Almost.

Well, that was pretty much the extent of her role in a similar brief run on Parenthood back in season 3 of that show. If you've ever seen the user named BigTits McPlotdevice around, Ms. D(')addario is/was the tit-ular plot device referred to in his/her handle.

It's basically a live-action rendering of a Jack Chick tract, if you think about it.

As a resident of the Commonwealth, that sort of crap is so depressing and distressing.

I had one that included the messed up story of how Yahweh sent a plague to torment and kill the Children of Israel . . . because King David decided to take a census or some other such innocuous crap despite the prophet Samuel telling him not to. David told Samuel to go pound sand, and as David's "punishment," an

Seriously, though, there's not much difference between a mid-sized predatory dinosaur (or sabre-tooth cat, or a terror bird, or . . .) and some of the fearsome sorts that would actually have (ostensibly) had to have been "rescued" via the ark in terms of ferocity and likelihood to cause horrible death and/or carnage.

Or an excuse to hate people with a bit more melanin than others, if you believe certain interpretations of the whole "Ham being cursed" thing. Like seeing his old geez of a da' nekkid whilst drunk wasn't curse enough.

Yes. He has a brief cameo in Numbers. Something about a talking jack-ass. My memory could be suspect, though, as I've never bothered to actually sit down and read Numbers (but Leviticus is a fuckin' hoot and a half!).

"George, the British Empire at present covers a quarter of the globe,
while the German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in
Tanganyika. I hardly think that we can be entirely absolved of blame
on the imperialistic front."

And retroactively for his six seasons on Homicide. I'm glad he's finally in a role that will last longer than the ones he's had since he left Homicide.

Or the Scottish Highlands.

I think I read somewhere that Jack Gleeson was planning on hanging it up after this, perhaps in recognition of that fact.