
Geordies are criminally underrepresented in the entertainment world. As are Scousers, the Fab Four notwithstanding.

And slaughtering a large percentage of their populations in various wars doesn't help much, either. I know there was an awful lot of bloodshed (as in great big honking amounts, veritable rivers of the stuff) in the analogue for this fantasy world (medieval England/Europe/parts of Asia? Africa?), but maybe in this

Oh, aye. I'd watch— or listen to, really— the hell out of a show that was just Rose Leslie, Ashley Jensen and Karen Gillan sitting about discussing pretty much anything. For example, the annoying accent of that woman in those Dewar's commercials. And perhaps how only an American market could possibly be persuaded

Leaky. I see what you did there.

I know it goes way, way back, but my common experience of those two words being used together always makes me wonder why anyone would use the name of a heavy metal band from Birmingham as an exclamation.

And ye gods, Karen Gillan's legs alone should keep any heterosexual male watching for at least two more episodes.