
It seems that Orphan Black believes very strongly in nurture over nature, though. Which means that being raised by a Alison/Helena combination will sure make them… interesting people. Hopefully Donnie will be a very involved co-parent.

Hmm, a duo, right? Maybe those would be good characters for Dawn and Stacey seeing as they are probably going to do a "racism is bad" story line with the black girls, and KKK members are really just too edgy for cable tv.

It can be both

That part made me so mad. I get that Reggie doesn't have the charm needed to be Liberty Belle, but just letting Debbie take all the credit…
Then again, the uber-patriotic American shtick never really worked for me, so I would have probably disliked Liberty Belle regardless.

The complex characters of GLOW-the-show do really clash with the characters they play in GLOW-the-wrestling-competition. It's hard to watch these ladies just be turned into one-dimensional (sometimes racist) stereotypes for an audience that won't care enough to look beyond "she's the evil arab one". Well, at least it

I don't know, I thought she was pretty alright when she read the man's part in the first episode

Man, that's one hell of a typecast

As a non-American wrestling noob, was GLOW like the WWE, or an even less athletic variant?

Honestly, I get what you mean. I'm a hardcore feminist, but sometimes it gets tiring, when female-led projects focus so much on how special it is that a woman does a thing, making it a central theme of the show. Of course, there's a time and a place for shows like that, but sometimes I just want to watch a story about

Same here, though I do worry that, just like with Orange is the New Black, I'll completely stop caring about the main characters, and just watch for the ensemble cast.

Me too! Luckily that wasn't the case, because I don't think I would've been able to sit through an actual scalping.

Yeah, that sequence made no sense. Red is tough as nails, she just doesn't seem like the type that would have a mental break down over an ugly hair cut. I just kept expecting Piscatella to actually REVEAL something, like some crazy swastika tattoo on het scalp or something, not just that she's old, which everyone is

Does… Petra have an accent? I thought the joke was that Rogelio accused her of having a very thick accent, even though she doesn't have one, especially compared to his own. Granted, English is not my first language, so maybe I just don't notice it so much? Cause I really don't hear it.

Wow, your jumping to conclusions here. When was there any indication that Michael's workbuddy was pining after Jane? Also, I don't get why her getting romantically involved with him would be such a huge betrayal. If you died and left behind a widow, wouldn't you rather have that she ended up with a friend of yours?

she has no underlying issues to adress

I like the theory that Rose Quartzes are basically field doctors. It would fit really well with their healing powers, and it would mean that their fighting ability is meant more for defending their patients than really attacking their enemies. (Though they could probably do so in a pinch)

Yeah, this. I know I'm not the most fashion minded person, but green is a really nice color! And tuxes are always so drab and boring, I like it when guys do something a little bit different!

Very true in the books. And so well done and funny that I didn't even realize I was learning things until very recently.

Yes! I absolutely loved him. He made these two episodes some of my favourites of the season. The British-Indian Victorian explorer vibe of his house and the way he dressed also worked really well.

I mean, questioning authority was also an important theme in the books. Honestly, I'd say it's always a good lesson to teach people, regardless of the political situation. The fact that, right now, it's surprisingly relevant isn't the fault of the reviewer, or even the show writers for that matter. (I don't really