
My family was talking about gay people serving in the military. Somehow it turned to "What will happen if they got shot?" And my mom suddenly started waving her hands in the air and squealing in a falsetto high voice "Oh no I got hit! Help me help me!" Bursts of laughter all around, along with "They shouldn't be

And would you happen to serve fluffy popped kernels of corn drizzled with fresh churned butter, slices of spring potatoes thinly sliced, roasted in a hot oven and sprinkled with salt from the seas in the south, and a drink of sugar and syrup spiced with carbon served ice cold in tall crystal glasses?

No you're not. No creature relishes the feeling of being physically ill and uncomfortable, whatever the situation is. Except maybe those moms on the shiny and glowy commercials on tv. I sure hope you feel better soon!

Yeah, must be nice to be like them, all righteous and living in a delusional fantasy world where la la la everything is warm, loving and fuzzy and having babies just makes everything all fine and dandy for victims of violent crime.

And this woman actually had the nerve to march to the capitol to demand more attention to their case, and also had the nerve to ask why was she under suspicion, sure she was convicted of abuse before but that doesn't mean she was abusing her kids again. But she WAS. What on earth?

Well I for one am glad that these people are also volunteering to support, feed, clothe and shelter the women and children that will be affected by their high and mighty righteousness.

Replies read and noted. Yes, I think being polite and firm would do. And yes, this is definitely the end. I guess I'm just a bit frustrated at the time I spent on him. It didn't feel right from the start, but I gave him so many chances and excuses because his family is so nice, and I felt a bit guilty not liking

Ohhh me. Then I got too busy at work and I wasn't able to answer surveys anymore so I got dropped from their list. I did do a few product testings though, on products that I saw several months later on store shelves! That made me proud. One was for a cleaner type thingy, and I was like "I said that thing was flimsy

What's the line for 'accepting someone just the way they are' and being furious because 'he's not making an effort'? I've been seeing this guy for the past several months. He's a nice guy BUT, it's like he's not trying to do anything to impress me. I'm not asking for him to show up in a suit and tie with a diamond

I'll bet on old people. Or veterans. Maybe animal lovers too? We'll see the next time she needs attention again. Gah, I can't believe I actually used to respect this girl.

Oho, so the people that I know named Luchis (like Lucas, you know, but cooler) and Qrystyn are ahead of time! Heaven save us all.

Oh, and just to add: She didn't know the way to the hospital because she didn't have any pre natal care at all, the logic that was apparently given to her was that since she already had two healthy babies, the third one would be healthy too, right? No vitamins, no ultrasounds, nothing. And she was only going to this

I remember when I was 19 and in college, a woman walked up to our group of friends to shyly ask for directions to the hospital because "she felt like she was going to give birth soon." It was just around the block and we decided to walk with her, because no way were we going to let a woman possibly in labor walk all

Funny, when someone insults me physically or calls me a bitch, I just throw back my head and laugh, and keep on being as I am. That's not the worst. The worst is when two people that I thought were good friends of mine called me 'unwanted and unwelcome' in our circle. Words like that cut very deep you know? Especially

That sounds likely. I remember one show where they were investigating a former battlefield (Gettysburg I think?) and they said that some of the marching soldier ghosts that people were seeing could just be residual hauntings, like they were just major events from the past that kept replaying day after day. I won't

Honest question: Do you guys believe in tragic events leaving a negative energy or echoes in a house? Like, say, you were offered a house that's nice, clean, cheap and in a good location, but it used to be the house of a serial killer who buried dead bodies in the yard and stuffed them in air ducts (like the case in

Sorcia, you're gonna pop up two days later and point a finger at us and go "Haha, I made that up! Suckers!!!!" Right? Right?

Awww so tiny! I'm guessing they're just a few days old, maybe a week old when this was taken? Before clicking all I could think of was, "I sure hope they weren't tiptoeing in for a closer shot." Because mama bear over there at the side? She would've jacked them up GOOD.

Those blows to the head, couldn't she have gotten them when she jumped and her body was, um, swaying from the rope and her head was hitting the edge of the balcony?

Oh! Oh! I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but what about those "Can you speak something in ____ for us?" I don't mind it if it's a close friend who's asking with genuine interest, but some strangers seem to ask just for the novelty and 'exoticness' of it. So frackin' rude. I keep imagining someone poking a