You know, for kids

Full-time MMA fighter and part-time racist Conor McGregor

We got a lot of excellent cowboy movies that people still watch to this day along with a lot of forgettable ones no one watches anymore?

Nice to see the younger generations continuing the old traditions of wasting money on cars that you can’t drive because you paid too much for them.

this exact fucking website criticized this movie by calling it underwhelming and lackluster you fucking moron

How about just not fucking watching them instead of wishing for people how didn’t hurt you to fail? Grow the fuck up.

Honestly, I never found the first season that appealing either. It was stylistic for sure but so much of it felt like you had to really try to like (the same problem Game of Thrones had I’d argue in the first two seasons to a degree).

Nobody ever thought the Lakers were contenders!

Is that the “greatest country in the world” bit? Because I’ve honestly always hated it, and I’ve never seen the rest of the show.

I agree: “Sense8” suggests the Wachowskis were always overrated.

You can call it pettiness but they weren't getting anything like the offers they will get this summer. Good decision by bad management. 

Of course not, car enthusiasts are notorious for not putting their money where their mouths are.

You know how your sometimes fart so hard you feel a little wetness between your buttcheeks? That’s your post 

Just like Magic in the 90's, looks like no one wants to go near him.

aaaaaand he’s gone.

Klay will be a free agent after this season. The Pelicans would be insane to take that offer.

They’ve been turned down because it must includes wall funding, which is extortion, not deal making.


But you are willing to use people’s pay checks and ability to do business as hostages to force through funding of a wall (something that doesn’t have popular or legislative support).