
Guys, I am having a horrible feminist week. I am getting so tired and so angry about this constant bullshit. We can't even fucking EXIST. Everything we do is wrong, and tempting, and nagging, and slutty, and prudish, and hysterical, and sinful, and too fat, and not sexy enough, and too sexy, and "ok for a girl", or

It's Tom Philpott. Just stop reading the guy; every paragraph subtracts from your knowledge of science.

but you have to look NATURALLY and EFFORTLESSLY hot though. Otherwise you're one of those shallow attention whores who wears makeup to the gym. :/

Dear #NotAllMen,

And it's comments like yours that highlight that men need feminism, too. My friend tagged me in this picture on Facebook awhile ago, just reposting it.

I am furious right there with you girl. And here is why. I don't want to be afraid of men. I don't want to think that anytime I walk past a man and I am alone I need to be on the defensive. I don't want to cringe when I am out for a jog and a car pulls up on the side of the road to park and all I can think about

Yes, in the magical wonderland of Europe, we all go around naked, sipping wine before we retreat to our castles for high tea and orgies with duchesses and famous soccer players

This is what we get for spending an election cycle glorifying mediocrity and "down-home-ness." This is the only country in the world where being uneducated and opinionated is a publicly valued combination.

First off: Joe the Plumber is still a thing? Like, has no one told him that 15 minutes is not supposed to last seven years?


"A Brave and Startling Truth"

I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody

From now on, we should only ever consume entertainment media that is 100% scientifically accurate.

I just keep thinking: will they believe us now? Is this finally the moment when men start to grasp the reality that women live in?

Pete is such a turd, but I usually enjoy him. I love the "Not great, Bob!" gif that has been floating around. Mainly because my bf's name is a derivative of Bob and I like saying that to him when I've had a crappy day. He doesn't watch the show, so it's my personal joke.

Ken Cosgrove was given all-world abilities with his eye patch. Don't doubt it, embrace it.

My beloved Austria has a far-right party that gained 20% of the vote. 20%! Now, you can't technically call them Nazis, because they won that lawsuit, but when a country with a history of fascist rule draws unironic Hitler mustaches on your campaign posters...

I think I'm mildly supporting the blackhawks. That means I nod approvingly when I see them score a goal.

After four years of hard, miserable work, I have finally hit my goal weight of 175 lbs. In August of 2010 I had bariatric lapband surgery. I weighed 412 lbs on the day of my surgery, my BMI was almost 70. The lapband is generally not recommended for people who have over 100 pounds to lose but the more radical

This Tuesday I will be taking a road test. I am 32. I am so nervous I could vomit. I probably will vomit. The last time I did this I was 16 and I didn't care (lost it due to my epileptic tendency to have seizures). This time I have two kids and live in a place with terrible transit. My daughter can't go to the