
That one is pretty good but when I saw this yesterday my first thought was that these photos would have been far more impactful if attempts were made to recreate the hair and wardrobe as well.

Yesterday I cut my finger on the foil container housing my cheese fries and I really could use a compassion day off today :(

I don't hate religious conservatives, I have some friends who are religious conservatives! But there's no need for them to flaunt their lifestyle choices in public and they should NOT be allowed to have children to indoctrinate.

Better yet if butt sex is so unnatural why is the male g-spot located in the butt?

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

I'll take an Emma over an Apple, Uneeq, or Tiger Lilly any day of the week. Also saves me from being rudely 'corrected' that I'm spelling their name wrong (no, I'm spelling it properly, you just have terrible parents.)

Emma and Enzo? Those aren't even French names! Get your shit together, France.

Yeah, that's the ticket. The allergic reaction that she had to "antibiotics", which resolved after they stopped giving her the offending antibiotics, has "flared" up again, because none of her doctors managed to WRITE DOWN THAT SHE WAS ALLERGIC TO IT OR THE PHARMACIST MISSED IT TOO OR BED REST ISN'T ACTUALLY A THING

Oh dear! I find these threads a little troubling. As someone who worked in high-end retail management for years (and still has many friends who make a living in retail) it pains me to see so many folks s****ing all over shop girls and guys.

"delicately and respectfully.." Just as delicate and respectful as a show where you compete against other strangers in an effort to find "true" love.

Is it possible to take a selfie in that pose? Asking for a friend.

she won't look fat anyway because she also has someone photohop half her body off.

That's the "if I raise my arms up, my stomach won't look fat" pose.

Meanwhile, this place continuously has feel-good stories about rescued elephants if you're in the mood to have water leak spontaneously out of your eye holes.

Up yours, Barnum. And up yours, too, Bailey.

A spokesperson for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey called the ban "unnecessary" and suggested it would likely force the cancellation of circus activities in Los Angeles.

Wild animals don't belong in circuses and zoos for human entertainment. Whether they use bullhooks or not is not the problem. Animals belong in the wild, running free.

They need three fucking YEARS to decide how to stop using fucking pitch forks and shit? What the goddamn fuck?! And fuck you, Ringling Bros. spokesperson. If you're so concerned about the cancellation of circus activities (unlikely, btw), you put on that sparkly gear, try to balance on a ball and have handlers maim

Perfect place to share this gem.

Sorry for the double post but...this bearded guy seems to have it out for John, dude better watch his back.