
Question for fellow olds; when did you finally give up on the Real World? The last good season was Miami, season 5. I kept watching for a few years after that though and finally gave up after San Diego, season 14. Back in the old days it was actually like an interesting experiment with different kinds of people

Natalie Maines is looking fierce as fuck these days.

"The LA Times then flesh out this story be recounting the day of the murder, when the couple, who met in AA, went on a bender to cope with being evicted, all after Shannon lost her job and mobile home, while Chip had just gotten out of prison."

If you've never met a woman with whom you can talk about a variety of interesting, engaging topics, you've either been extremely sheltered or you're not good at conversation.

People like writer 1 make me sad because I used to be one of them. I drank the misogyny cool-aid and would talk about how I was so above other women. I am super into gaming and baseball and I would lament how girls just don't "get it". I would assume all other women wanted to talk about where things I defined as

20. You are, scientifically speaking, the least diverse band of all time. What do you have to say for yourselves?

addendum: this article reminds me of this cartoon -

Now you're just being silly. This guy was being a gigantic asshole—it's extremely unlikely he would just gone, "Oh, she's turning! I should slow down and stop aggressively tailgaiting her and endangering everyone on the road!" if she put on her turn signal.

Obviously the truck driver is a greater asshole for tailgating, but let's not forget that once she passed the trucks on the right, she should have moved over. That is the law in some areas, and common courtesy everywhere else.

I'm saying he literally has that pun on a t-shirt.

So you're saying... he's not a very fun guy?

A- Always

"They sound the same when they're live!"

Religious freedom is a fundamental right, but incorporating a business is not. When you form a corporation, you also take on the corresponding benefits and obligations. If your religious beliefs prohibit you from following through with those obligations, then you must choose between your fundamental,

Tyson laid it out in the show's first episode:

I have been considering downgrading to a flip phone, because I notice my attention span is being sapped by so many options! I'm currently training myself to read physical books again. (What is life?)

"Second-rate drag queen"

It WAS a personal decision before she chose to share it on FOX News, Twitter, and now Bravo. Now you're taking a public stance. I love Andy but I am so disappointed in him on his response— how would he have handled it if a guest spread false information about how AIDS is spread, or discouraged the use of insulin?