
I have to say, I'd be rather taken aback if my name was tossed into an open letter written by someone I didn't know about her molestation. Johansson worked with Allen. It's not fair to expect that she is now required to weigh in with serious opinions on a 25 year old accusation just because she acted in his movie. I

"Do you want to be famous, baby?"

What 18 month old DOESN'T like to dance and clap? I love how stage parents use things like that to handwave criticism. Lady, an 18 moth old didn't tell you to enroll her in anything. You, though, YOU want your little bundle of talent to go out there and become the next future Disney star breakdown.

Aww, you think she's all botoxed up?? I thought she looks like she's aging naturally, but extremely well. I like to think her icy beauty is due to very religious sunscreen use. She's flawless.

That's precisely WHY we vaccinate. Those kids who are too young and who contracted the virus did so because of kids who could have been vaccinated but whose parents refused. The kids who should be vaccinated are detracting from the herd immunity that keeps kids who are too young to be vaccinated safe.

*yawn* I just find it sooo cute that big butts are only in because WW like them now. Black and Latina women have had them for ages and used to get criticized for it. But now that White women try their damnedest to get them, big butts are now officially awesome?

The "who watches your kids" is less a judgey question to me and more a practical one. Not everyone can afford a gym membership to a place with a day care and as someone who once kicked my own child in the head while trying to do a DVD in my living room, yeah, who watches the damn kids and where do I get one?

I wish they would use the word rape in these news articles. 'Forced to commit acts of prostitution'= she was raped by her kidnappers and then raped by multiple other men to the financial benefit of her captors.

He must be constructed solely out of clitorises.

One night, my partner and I were in bed and heard a scary noise downstairs. He was all prepped and ready to go master the evil in the darkness, when I, joking, said "Be a man." He got back into bed and refused to check, while imploring me to 'Be a man.' I was, in fact, a man—and went downstairs to find the cats

They've been in three movies together! Maybe she confused it with ancestry.com?

That is so cool! Of COURSE Bryan rolled with it flawlessly. I adore him!

Okay so I have been waiting all day for this. I have good news to share that I am very reluctant to broadcast in real life because bragging is bad and I don't want to make my friends who are in similar positions to me feel badly....but I was offered a more than full ride to law school!! I am so, so excited. I was on

I find it baffling that men would give up the fly option for anything more than "special occasion." That seems like the equivalent of a woman wearing a jumpsuit, in terms of hindered practicality.

Ask me how much my bras cost.

Yeah. I can really relate to the shitting on the stairs since that's what I do when I'm in love.

Listen up, Catalano. Some of us just fall down. We just do. So take your highlights and your reliable center of gravity and go piss on someone else's cornflakes.

A few years back I was having CRIPPLING pain in my stomach. The cause? A four pound teratoma the size of a grapefruit. Inside it were teeth, hair, gallbladder and a stomach. I know it's not as terrifying as one being in a baby's brain but still. My family jokes that it grew after I had my tubes tied because I'm so

Please explain to me how it's supportive to offer completely hypothetical help rather than create a campaign that promotes something fathers/husbands/partners can actually do to encourage willing moms to breastfeed? I'm not saying there is no room for guys in this conversation—breastfeeding is good for babies and

My MO when being mocked by loved ones is to scream like I'm being murdered too. Like in Cody's case, it seems to be counter-productive.