
I always like it when the toughest character on a show turns out to be gay, just because I think any homophobes watching said show would get really pissed off and I find that funny.

I haven't gotten to Veronica Mars yet either, so he has always been the guy from Just Shot Me for me. Love him in everything I see him in though; his Elias is a lot of fun.

On the contrary, I think they should keep using it so we can keep bringing it up.

Of course I knew they weren't going to kill off Blaine just yet, but when he got his throat cut before he could say something smartass I was shocked. The ending just put a gigantic smile on my face, I cant wait to see where this goes.

Im glad I wasn't the only one that thought this.

He adds a drop of their blood to every cup of coffee too, just to rub it in.

Holy shit, it is!

I would like to see more brain problems in the future, there are a lot of story and character possibilities there.

I haven't seen either of these shows, but I like both leads in what I have seen them in previously. Should I bother?

Im not sure how I feel about this. I like all the people involved, but isn't this Guillermo's baby?

I've seen it too! But no one I know has seen it either, besides my father…

No, I'm Spartacus!

As a Canadian that can get about 1 out of 6 questions correct while watching, this bums me out.

"Don't shoot the orange hulk! He's a good boy!"

We all do.

How this isn't an SNL sketch yet is beyond me. I really want to see it too.

This was one of the best new shows of last fall and I was always curious as to why there weren't any reviews for it until now. This show is too good to continue to be un-reviewed on this site.

I find that hilarious for some reason.

This would make a good eulogy.

No matter what Nicolas Cage does, good or bad, he always delivers a solid/entertaining performance. I feel he is very underrated in that regard.