
I have been re-watching Buffy & Angel and I was just about to post this. It always surprises me when anyone who watches that ending thinks that it was cancelled with a cliffhanger. It literally is the perfect culmination of every theme in that series.

It isn't right because saying that reminds us that Firefly was cancelled way waayyy too early.

I always imagine ABC kicked themselves for canceling The Unusuals just before one of its lead actors broke out into stardom and got nominated for oscars.

Forrest: That means Suzanne and Eric are still alive, right?
Josh: I just saw them, so probably.

I hope for the best, but the cynic in me says it will be released the same day Terriers comes to Blu-ray.

I think he meant something memorable.

Glass half full thinking makes me say three is better then zero. We should definitely be grateful even though it does sting.

Step Five: (regardless of quality) Profit!

I thought about mentioning him. Although he appeared he didn't really turn out to be a villain, which is a shame because I am sure he could have rocked it.

It is also the only episode to not feature Xander, which gives it another step down in my book. Apparently the idea was for him to speak to Jesse (Remember Jesse? The very best friend in the pilot that gets completely forgotten immediately after his death?). Acknowledging continuity and character is always a step in

But it existing and then ending so quickly gave us the fun of seeing Fillion, Torres and Baldwin come to the Buffy-Angel-verse (and years later Tudyk and Glau on 'Dollhouse') as villians.

I think having the exact same plot for 'Chosen' would have been fine if only they had (like 'Graduation Day') spread it over two hours. It would have given everything in it a lot more room to breathe and have an impact.

Oh, a sarcasm detector. That's a reeeally useful invention.

even if they got a bit of an ass-kicking in S4

Or at the very least had more physical villians such as Caleb to give The Scoobies something to fight/lose against/defeat. Maybe saving the first till later in the season may have given it more of an impact but they did some cool things with it early (Having all of the previous season's Big Bads all speak in one scene

Just goes to show how good an actor Nathan Fillion is. As Malcolm Reynolds or even as Castle he is charming and I can care about his journey and want him to succeed and as Caleb I am so satisfied at seeing him sliced into two pieces its ridiculous.

Not that I can think of.

there's no indication such an army is even an option until it's revealed at the last minute
A lot of the season finales pulled shit out of its ass at the last minute (Season 4 joining spell anyone?) so this is hardly new.

The writers should have read up more on psychology to get a better idea of what the First was capable of since that was basically its only real weapon (besides Caleb, but he was a late addition).

Though the whole idea of the first wasn't used to its full potential, it did give us some extra time with Harry Groener as (The First as) The Mayor so I cant hate it too much.