Haha. Usually, I really try not to indulge the trolls, but I just couldn't resist this one!
Haha. Usually, I really try not to indulge the trolls, but I just couldn't resist this one!
It's funny you tell someone in the USA. Hey guess what did you know that they did a study in germany and found that 9 out of 10 college graduates did not know how many jews died in the holocaust. And the american is absolutely disgusted. How DOES A GERMAN NOT KNOW HOW MANY JEWS THEY KILLED IN THE HOLOCAUST! THAT IS…
"Envelopment" also known as penetration. Doesn't matter which end you're on. The CDC has found that 1 in 21 men "reported that they had been forced to penetrate someone else, usually a woman; had been the victim of an attempt to force penetration; or had been made to receive oral sex." An erection is not the same…
But let's be honest here. You may be mixed race, but I'm almost certain you benefit from many aspects of white privilege, seeing as how most people (myself included) would perceive you as white. I mean, I don't doubt that you're actually mixed, but many mixed people actually don't have the privilege you have
You do realize that people that listen to R&B and urban radio. NON OREO's actually did know who he was. Cause lost without u is on one of the 5 albums you said no one knew about. Are you dense? Or just sticking to this lets hate on Robin Thicke train. I actually haven't seen a hate on Robin Thicke article for at least…
So some advice for Robin: go make some good music—and take more than three weeks to record it this time. Also, lose that douchey sunglasses on the red carpet look. You ain't Prince.
You know how i know you're white?
It's funny to be sharing this on a women's site. But uhmmm. When I online date I am so astonished by what women say to me on a date that I am an AMAZING CONVERSATIONALIST. I am interested in lots of cool really interesting stuff. Spiritual, intellectual, pop culture, extrapolating generalities, history, making…
Men who debate with women are sexist! Erin Gloria Ryan is the knower of all things!
I am all for #unfollowadouchebag
I'd draw you a blueprint for a final solution, but technical drawing is so harrrrd.
God, I love when science confirms gender stereotypes, it makes feminazis so very mad.
If you think men are the only ones capable of starting war then you're in for a rude awakening when you vote for Hilary Clinton in 2016.
Also one more suggestion: Can you do a weekly profile of a past female heroin. I don't mean hillary clinton or the lady that went to congress and complained about free birth control. I MEAN REAL UNDERGROUND FORGOTTEN POWERFUL AMAZING WOMEN ARTISTS ETC..
I think honestly, hotness-wise, Jamie Dornan might be able to put this movie on his back and carry it to sexy.
Wait...so they make sex toys for men and women but only men can apply? #misogyny