Yeah this is EXACTLY how i feel about the fluffer when i watch porn. WHERE IS MONEY SHOTS FOR THE FLUFFER???? BULLSHIT!!!
Yeah this is EXACTLY how i feel about the fluffer when i watch porn. WHERE IS MONEY SHOTS FOR THE FLUFFER???? BULLSHIT!!!
Or maybe i do it on purpose to piss off retarded fascists like you.
THERE IS NO RELAXING!! This is a war on women! We are oppressed! This is a REVOLUTION!! WE NEED ACTION!!
True very true. But troll not recognize Logic!
It's funny you tell someone in the USA. Hey guess what did you know that they did a study in germany and found that 9 out of 10 college graduates did not know how many jews died in the holocaust. And the american is absolutely disgusted. How DOES A GERMAN NOT KNOW HOW MANY JEWS THEY KILLED IN THE HOLOCAUST! THAT IS…
I can't stop fucking laughing i just drooled all over my laptop
If you look white you white just go ask your black friend dumb ass.
Do you know if you ask the average american college student how many vietnamese civilians died in the vietnam war they have no idea. But they immediately know 6 million jews died in WWII. Guess what we killed more than 6 million innocent vietnamese during that war.
How can the female author rape someone?
Phew thank god you have some sort of victim status to hold onto somewhere in your lineage. Otherwise your dark style and demeanor would just come off as complaining emo underage retard angst. THANK GOD!!
no I am yikesdude. YIKES DUDE! is always ON EDGE!!
Yeah it's fun isn't it?? Being a privileged white bitch with no victim power? Who can you blame now for your problems? You need to stay in a circle of other white women and complain. Make sure their are no colored people with less agency than you so you don't come off as having #whitegirlproblemz
No I am doing it so you get a feeling of what it's like to be attacked for nothing other than having been born with a penis. All of a sudden you don't like it when people say your opinions are invalidated due to your born whiteness huh? Why should a guy be ok when you tell him his opinions are invalidated due to him…
yeah i could of worded that all nice and P.C. for her but ya know how people who have privilege can't actually see it. So i figured it was a waste of breath.
Right way better hobby than Eliot rodgers huh?
I'm not trolling I'm being serious you really are an entitled dumb white bitch! For real not trolling.