
Maybe? I don’t know that a huge portion of either customer base is going to opt for expanded storage outside of traditional external drives. It’s insanely expensive for what amounts to a very small convenience of not having to move a game to the onboard storage.

a breath of fresh air...

Now playing

I am absolutely convinced that this guy’s Spiral comic is just one small town’s story in the 80's cartoon Spiral Zone.

I miss the 1995 stoic movie Motoko, Motoko went gradually more and more girly with every anime incarnations since 2003.

Easy there, Gordon Bateman.

Oof that’s an awful trailer. I really hope that Dark Alliance does better than that.

Catsuka has dug their own digging and are attributing most of it to the director. They’ve dug up past work of his that was also used plagiarized material.

It’s just Annie Hall--but with a happy ending. If they’d split at the end, it’d just be... Annie Hall.

My daughter loves to take long showers, so after we’re done rinsing I say “okay dear, four more gallons of water and it’s time for bed”.

This guy built his own using parts from a GS flood car.

I thought it was because I was fat, but in fact its just a glandular problem.

No, that is a bastardized view of Tolkien and his work. Its getting popular these days but Tolkien never once endorsed that view. In fact those that propose this view tend to only look at Lord of the Rings and not his entire work. The Orcs for example weren’t the violent others people keep saying, they were Sauron and

I’m not torn at all. The art of film-making is all the richer for someone with the perspective who is influential enough who can call out western bullshit and be inspired by things in our general blind spots.

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

I’ll preface this by saying that you are completely within your right to do whatever you want and that this is not directed at you personally:

I genuinely do not understand how people can function like this.

“One person tied to this piece of media (game/tv-show/movie/etc) has said or done something I don’t agree with, I

I’m probably going to get crucified for this, but as stupid of an idea as this is there is a tiny quark of truth buried in it. There is a fringe element of intellectual and ideological totalitarianism that exists on the left: see the Jezebel feminists attacking Marget Atwood and Germaine Greer, the people who defend

I think it was dumb of Keaton to post the tweet, and dumb of Dunham to comment about the rape accusation against her friend withouth anyone asking her to do so, but I really don’t see what’s wrong with saying sexual assault and pedophilia are wrong, and male entitlement is widespread, while also believing your friend

I’m a dedicated liberal. “Safe spaces” are a joke. One can choose what and what not to listen to and/or believe. Adults, in particular (and that’s what college kids are) should be able to process things that offend them. The world is rife with “micro-aggressions”; if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of

Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.

2. Splinter is not Gawker.