
Sean, I see where you are coming from as I take the same, “you had your chances now get the fuck out of line” attitude but I agree with him completely. Cranston that is.

Neither Splinter nor Gawker are/were people and so no, that is in fact, not an ad hominem irrelevancy. It’s a relevant example of hypocritical editorial standards.

They (meaning a hypocritical entity) always tries slipping a slight of hand somewhere in the equation... Good to see when other people recognize that - no matter what the topic.

Can you please turn that idea into a kids coloring book?

Despite any forms of compassion garnered by the everyday ‘car carrying’ religious among us, when you break down any of the Abrahamic Religions, the primary message is that of a death cult: Prayers Answered 

I am so thankful that I don’t work in the field of campaign-ad video production. Insanity all-around.

Except for when it comes to religion... Sorry, I am just angry... Carry on.

I live in a city where I see countless ‘normal’ people ignoring all types of everyday harassment/offense against men, women and children. We all partake, in varying degrees, with our choice of complicit behavior. And while I would wholeheartedly agree with the consequence and retribution that Weinerstein receives, I

Ignorant tools protesting a rich tool.

FYI: The Civet is kidnapped from Asia not Africa... This provides for a very important distinction on a site such as this.

As opposed to fathers and husbands?

Go .05% of a step further and say “Fuck the Gospel”. They’ve proven to be a willing and complicit giver of cancer to anyone with an “open heart”. And then after that make it a full 1% percent by saying that all supernatural mumbo-jumbo is fuck worthy.

We all came from Africa so what does it matter? I agree with you it’s predictable. But predictability does not necessarily negate truth. I think in cases like this, it is just the out-of-vogue argument to take because it shows just how “same” all of our societies really are and were. Take away the surface level that

You helped to aide in ‘ruining’ language... We all did and do and will. The point is that given a span of time, language changes. It’s fluid.

“Words dont mean shit.” Thats a short-sighted thing to say but whatever, your prerogative, why be constructive when its so much easier to gouge your own eyes out. Being completely dismissive of Mr. Carters sentiments however... Thats just asinine.

I thought I was the only one...

I got it covered.
Things that offend my moral sensibilities and religious convictions:

“...apocalyptic death cults?” Can I introduce you to my friend lord and savior Jesus Christ? :/

Mr. Chait doesn’t propose we shut down the free speech of protesters. Rather he suggests that through reason, we learn to acknowledge that these particular protesters are willingly painting their own sets of freedoms into a proverbial corner. In the long run, no-one wins at that game. And now a snippet for your

I went into your comment ready to rebuff the point you were making about Aheda Zanetti but then I like what I read and tend to agree with you... mostly. On the one-hand, your point is so salient that it really could not be more clear and is one of the better points to be made about this issue, bar none. It’s progress.